‘Dancing With The Stars’ Barbara Corcoran Revealed Her Thoughts On Being Eliminated First

This past Monday night, September 25th,2017, ABC’s “Shark Tank” star Barbara Corcoran (above right) learned that she just wasn’t even close to being good enough to continue her journey on the 25th season of ABC’s hit dancing reality show “Dancing With The Stars.”
She and her pro dance partner Keo Motsepe (above left) were voted off by America after it was revealed that they had landed in the bottom three. We can’t say it was a big shocker. Aside from not being a very good dancer, a lot of fans didn’t really like her video package with Keo. They thought she was overly flirty with him and just really didn’t focus on the dancing all that much.
During her premiere on September 18,2017, Barbara and Keo performed a Salsa dance to rapper Ludacris’ “Money Maker” song and only scored a 14 out of 30 score from the judges. That put them in last place in the scoring.
This past Monday night, Barbara and Keo performed a Foxtrot dance to the song, “Whatever Lola Wants.” It landed them a slightly better score of 17 out of 30. But, unfortunately for them, that would be their last scores of the season.
The folks over at People.com got to chat with Barbara to get her take on being eliminated first. She had a very good attitude about it jokingly saying she needs to stick to real estate. She explained why she appeared to be so touchy feely on Keo and more.
The first thing Barbara had to say during their interview was,”How am I going to live without him (Keo)? It was such an honor and probably the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my whole life.”
She also seem to have a humorous outlook on it while talking to reporters during the after show. She jokingly told them,”I should stick to real estate!”
During the show, Barbara revealed that she had dyslexia and that she’s been dealing with it her entire life. She stated, “I’m back at the bottom of class in second grade being the dunce. I’ve been dyslexic my whole life. It definitely affects you. There’s always the stupid kid that made fun of me. I don’t want anybody to laugh.”
She went on to explain that it’s actually a good place to come from because everything she’s ever done was to prove she’s not stupid. She said, “The truth is it’s actually a good place for me to come from. Everything good came because I knew how to bounce back up. Everything I’ve ever done in life has been to prove that I’m not stupid.”
In a different interview, Barbara also explained to People.com why she appeared to be so touchy feely of Keo during the premiere. They pointed that she grabbed Keo’s upper thigh when they were getting feedback from the judges. Apparently, she didn’t mean to do that. She was actually looking to grab his hand. She stated, “If I wanted to grab any other spot, I would certainly have better aim.
No, I was reaching for Keo’s hand. Actually, groping for his hand because I was scared to death about what the judges were going to say. It was just poorly filmed.”
Dancing With The Stars continues this Monday night,October 2nd,2017 at 7 pm central standard time on ABC. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our “Dancing With The Stars” Facebook page for more “Dancing With The Stars” news by Clicking Here.