Grey’s Anatomy Meredith Star Ellen Pompeo Revealed Possible Reason For Arizona & April Cut

Grey’s Anatomy Meredith Star Ellen Pompeo Revealed Possible Reason For Arizona & April Cut

Hey, “Grey’s Anatomy” fans. We’ve got some more new and interesting details as to why fan favorites Jessica Capshaw aka Arizona Robbins and Sarah Drew aka April Kepner recently got the boot from the show. Recently, Grey’s Anatomy’s main star Ellen Pompeo aka Meredith Grey (above) appeared on a taping of the Ellen DeGeneres show.

And of course, Jessica and Sarah’s layoff came up in conversation at one point. During the conversation over Sarah and Jessica, Ellen revealed some possible reasons as to why the show let them go. She apparently thinks that it may just be due to the fact that the writers are too overloaded with trying to create new storylines for too many characters.

She specified that they currently have about 16 season regular characters on the show to write for. So, she absolutely thinks it was due to creative reasons. She stated, “I mean, I’m not involved in these kinds of decisions. However, there’s a few problems that you encounter doing a show for 14 seasons. One of them is the writers have a really hard time creatively thinking up new stories for all these characters. I think we have 16 regular cast members, and it’s always sad when we lose people whether they want to go or they don’t want to go. It doesn’t make it any easier.”

Also, Ellen spoke out against the rumors that her big bump in pay caused the show not to have enough money to pay Sarah and Jessica. As previously reported, Ellen just signed a new deal with the show to get paid a whopping $10 million dollars a season for the next two seasons which would be seasons 15 and 16.

In her statement about the salary rumors, Ellen made it perfectly clear that not only is it not true her salary raise got Sarah and Jessica laid off, but that the media shouldn’t be trying to pit women against each other like that. She stated, “It’s absolutely not true.

You don’t have to pit women against each other. We’re not enemies. We do lift each other up and support each other, and we’re not victims. We’re very strong and we’re capable of many, many things.” You guys can see a clip Ellen Pompeo’s interview on E! Online’s site by Clicking Here.

Earlier this year, Ellen talked about her high salary with The Hollywood Reporter news outlet. During their interview, she stated, “I think there are certain moments where it’s important to be really truthful about our pain and about our struggles. I think that sometimes you have to go through painful things to just be an example.”

During the DeGeneres interview, Ellen also talked about encouraging women to be more vocal stating, “I think, as women, we’re afraid to ask. We’re afraid to be vocal. We’re taught not to be. They like us quiet as we’ve seen from this administration. I think it’s really important to encourage each other. Encourage other women to stand up and be strong and know we’ll be OK and we have each other’s backs. Look at us. This is two Ellens both with TV shows. We’re both doing great. There are two seats at the table.”

In related news, we previously reported that one of the show’s producers Krista Vernoff spoke out against the claims that Ellen Pompeo’s huge salary increase had something to do with Jessica and Sarah’s layoff. In her Twitter rant, she wrote, “The suggestion in the Deadline article that our cast changes are in any way related to Ellen Pompeo’s salary renegotiation is wrong and hurtful and misguided.

It smacks of an old, broken, patriarchal notion that women must be pitted against each other, and that one woman’s success will be costly to others. Ellen Pompeo has not only advocated passionately for her fellow cast members, she has taken the time to educate women worldwide as to how to advocate for themselves, and that must now be twisted.

The decision to make changes to our cast was a creative one. The only thing as constant on Grey’s Anatomy as Ellen Pompeo is our penchant for reinvention. It is a part of our success and what keeps the show exciting. We love these actresses, and we love these characters,and it felt true and right creatively to wrap up their stories. And that is the whole story.”

Currently, it’s unclear how they will write Arizona and April off the show. The next, new episode 16 is scheduled to air tonight, March 22, 2018 at 7 pm central standard time on ABC. This season has a 24 episode order from ABC. So, we’ve got seven more episodes left after tonight.

We expect to see some clues or hints for April and Arizona’s departure to start creeping up in these next couple of episodes. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Grey’s Anatomy Facebook page for more Grey’s Anatomy news by Clicking Here.

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