CBS Big Brother Is About to Get Some Extra Airtime

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. We’ve got some pretty interesting news for you guys. It turns out that we’re going to sort of get some extra Big Brother action after season 20 is over, but not in the usual way that you might be thinking.
According to a new report from the folks over at TMZ and their sources, it turns out that CBS wants to do an all-Big Brother cast season for their other reality show “The Amazing Race!” They say, “The show reached out to several past “Big Brother” houseguests and has locked down its list of competitors for the new season which will begin filming soon.”
Their sources went on to tell them that this new all-Big Brother Amazing Race will feature at least one past Big Brother winner, but several other popular winners declined for family or career reasons. Despite that, CBS is currently very pleased with the final casting they were able to get. So, they’re currently ready to do the race.
TMZ’s sources are also claiming that the recent success of Big Brother season 19’s Jessica Graf and Cody Nickson in Amazing Race season 30 is what gave them the idea to do an all-Big Brother cast.
TMZ also pointed out that Jessica and Cody more than likely will not be returning for this all-Big Brother season of Amazing Race, and that they’re currently engaged. So, congrats to them.
In related news, the folks over at ran their own version of this all-Big Brother Amazing Race season report. However, their version is a little different.
They acknowledged TMZ’s story, but are saying that the Amazing Race season in question will actually be a mixture of Big Brother contestants and former Amazing Race teams. Their own sources claim that former Amazing Race alumni have definitely been confirmed as being apart of this new season.
So, if Realityblurred’s report turns out to be true, that means it won’t be an all-Big Brother Amazing Race season, but more like a Big Brother vs. past Amazing Race teams. We’re not sure which version is true. Both news outlets are claiming something different. So, at this point, we’ll just have to wait and see. What we do know for a fact is that there will at least be a couple of pairs from former Big Brother seasons involved in this latest Amazing Race season 31.
It’s not yet known which former Big Brother houseguests were selected to participate in this latest Amazing Race season. Hopefully, some extra details will pop up pretty soon. Realityblurred also addressed TMZ’s claim that Jessica and Cody’s success on Amazing Race is what led them to make this decision.
Realityblurred thinks other factors may have been involved. They mentioned that this past season 30 of Amazing Race aired in a new, high profile Wednesday night time slot which could have contributed to the higher ratings. However, they did acknowledge that Jessica and Cody might have brought in a little extra viewership from Big Brother fans. I personally only tuned in to see how Jessica and Cody would do. So, I feel like that could have definitely been a big factor.
Oh well. Whatever the case, this new all-Big Brother or Big Brother vs. former Amazing Race teams is happening. So, we’ll see how it all plays out. It’s unclear when this new Amazing Race season is supposed to air. It’s either going to air in the Fall of 2018 or at the beginning of 2019. We’ll have to wait for further confirmation.
How do you guys feel about seeing some extra Big Brother in a possible Big Brother Amazing Race season? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
Additionally, as previously reported, the new season 20 of Big Brother has completed all their casting calls and video applications. It has been confirmed that season 20 will indeed feature a totally new cast. Their will be no returning players. I feel good about that because it means we might actually see some game being played instead of a bunch of stupid newbies following a former player they’ve seen on TV. And quietly frankly, that whole concept is just really tired and played out.
What do you guys think about there being “all-new” Big Brother houseguests for season 20. Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
Alright guys. That’s it for this report, but definitely expect many more to come as the brand new season 20 premiere date draws even closer. We expect to start hearing more leaked information about season 20 once we get into either late May or early June 2018 because the new season is probably going to start in either late June or early July 2018. Stay tuned.Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.