‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Bill Will Reveal A Super Startling Surprise To Steffy This Week

Happy Saturday ” Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We’ve got some pretty interesting news to share with you guys today in regards to the Bill and Steffy blackmail storyline. It turns out that Bill might actually be letting up on it later this week!
We’re officially hearing that crooked Dollar Bill Spencer is actually going to have some good news to share with Steffy this time around. CBS official description doesn’t tell us exactly what the good news is. However, the release of some other teasers has definitely allowed us to put two and two together.
First off, the big Bill surprise teaser tells us, “Bill pays a surprise visit to Steffy and, for once, gives her something to be thankful for.” An alternate description reads like this, “Bill’s visit to Steffy leaves her feeling thankful.”
I don’t know about you guys, but it certainly sounds like Bill is actually going to drop his whole blackmail plot against Steffy which entails him turning her crazy mother Taylor in to the police for shooting him.
There would be no other reason for her to feel so thankful as they describe. So, that is quite the shocker indeed. The really big question for this scenario is what caused Bill to change his mind? I think it will really be interesting to find out because Bill doesn’t seem like the type of guy to just give up and do things out of the kindness of his heart.
Anyways, further confirmation that Bill has most likely dropped the blackmail plot against Steffy comes with another official teaser from CBS. It explains that Steffy will all of a sudden be ready to marry Liam asap! CBS’ description tells us, “Steffy happily welcomes Liam home and excitedly tells him she’s ready to get married right away.” An alternate description reads like this, “Steffy excitedly tells Liam she’s ready to get married.”
Obviously, there would be no way Steffy would be ready to marry Liam if the blackmail plot from Bill was still looming over her head. So again, this is a very interesting turn of events, and we’re really eager to see what has caused this big change of heart from the very corrupt Dollar Bill Spencer.
In addition to that whole Steffy and Bill situation, we of course know that Steffy’s good news to Liam won’t exactly be met with positive energy because Hope will be dropping her major pregnancy bombshell on Liam this week! CBS’ description tells us,” Liam is overwhelmed with emotion when Hope confides in him about her current condition.” An alternate description reads like this, “Liam’s left overwhelmed when Hope tells him she’s pregnant.”
That stuff will actually take place on the Wednesday, July 4, 2018 episode. So, it will certainly provide the fireworks for Independence Day. There’s no doubt about that. Another future teaser reads like this, “Steffy receives upsetting news from Liam.” We’re guessing that will be Liam telling Steffy that he impregnated Hope.
How will Steffy react to that shattering news? That’s the huge question for that possible plotline. One thing that is for sure is that it will certainly cause some very big problems that will draw this storyline out possibly forever. It’s obviously perfect for the producers and writers because they just can’t seem to get enough of creating drama for this crazy love triangle.
Another important question for this situation is will Hope actually be able to hold on to this baby and give birth to it. The one-up that Steffy on Hope has is that she has actually given birth to baby Kelly. Hope’s baby is just an embryo right now, and given her history on the show, she has a losing record of carrying a child to full term. So, we’ll see what the producers come up with for her over the next nine months or however long they decide to condense Hope’s pregnancy down to.
What do you guys think? Do you think Hope will actually give birth to Liam’s baby or not? Let us know in the Facebook comments. Also, how do you feel about Bill’s new, possible change of heart concerning Steffy? Do you think it’s real or not?
As previously reported, this Monday’s July 2, 2018 episode will feature a continuation of Hope’s shocking preggers reveal to Brooke along with Liam and Thorne getting shook by Sally’s threatening, anonymous comment on Hope’s website. Of course, there will be some other scenes, but those are the big storylines for that day.
Alright guys. That’s going to be it for this new report, but definitely stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Bold And The Beautiful Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here.