‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Brooke & Taylor Are About to Have Another Shocking Confrontation This Week

Happy Saturday, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We hope you guys are having a fabulous weekend. In this report, we’re going to go over a few more things we’ve learned about this week’s upcoming episodes. In particular, Brooke and Taylor. CBS released a new preview clip for the upcoming December 3 to December 7,2018 episodes.
Before we jump into it, we just need to give you guys a spoiler teaser warning. This article will contain a few spoiler teasers. If you don’t want to see spoiler teasers, it’s highly advised that you exit this article right now. For those of you who don’t have a problem with spoiler teasers, by all means please keep reading this article.
Alright, now that we’ve gotten our spoiler teaser warning out of the way, let’s jump right into this. In the new preview clip, it’s revealed that Brooke isn’t going to waste anytime trying to confront Taylor about the new, very startling information she just learned from Hope in yesterday’s week-ending episode.
For those of you who didn’t see it, Hope let Brooke know that Taylor was the one who shot Bill. It was crazy. A lot of big events happened this past week. Liam spilled the Taylor secret to Hope, and then she spilled it to Brooke. We just wonder who’s next in line to find out. I’m thinking Ridge could possibly become privy to Taylor’s big secret if Brooke elects to tell him.
Anyways, getting back to this preview clip, Brooke is seen saying, “This can’t be true.” Next, She’s seen getting all up in Taylor’s face and telling her, “You shot Bill Spencer! You put a bullet in his back!” Taylor is seen replying with, “You gonna have me locked up?” She did it in a sort of non-caring way too. As if she doesn’t think Brooke couldn’t have her locked up.
In another scene, Brooke is seen saying, “Taylor is dangerous” to Hope. Liam is seen telling Bill, “We’d all be better off if Taylor left L.A. for good.” The clip caps off with Brooke saying, “What if Taylor snaps again? Then what?” The clip didn’t show who Brooke was talking to in that particular scene, but it looks like it might be Bill. We’ll have to wait and see.
Also, the narration for this clip makes it sound like some really huge is about to pop off this week. It says, “This week, a truth bombshell leaves everyone running for cover!” Wow, “running for cover.” That sounds like some pretty intense stuff. We didn’t see any written teasers about people running for cover. So, if that does actually happen, it’ll be quite the shocker to us.
Actually, the written teasers suggest that everyone is just going to let Taylor keep roaming free. We haven’t seen any teasers about anyone planning to turn Taylor in or anything of the sort. In fact, at one point this week, we’re supposed to see Taylor actually start flirting with Zoe’s father Dr. Reese Buckingham. Anyways, you guys can view the new “Bold And The Beautiful” preview clip I just talked about over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
Some other notable activities that will take place this week involve Pam. She will be back in action, attempting to rip Quinn and Eric’s marriage apart! She’s will be trying to use Donna to do it. The first thing she will do is really hammer it home to Donna that Quinn needs to be removed from Eric’s life! CBS’ official description tells us, “Pam urges Donna to get Quinn out of Eric’s life.” An alternate description reads like this, “Pam reiterates to Donna that she must oust Quinn from Eric’s life.”
The next phase of Pam’s crazy scheme is to get Donna to model for Eric while trying to ward off Quinn! CBS description tells us, “While Donna models for Eric, Pam keeps Quinn distracted.” An alternate description reads like this, “Manipulating the situation, Pam distracts Quinn while Donna models for Eric.”
So, it definitely sounds like the producers are trying to push this storyline into something pretty serious. We can only imagine how furious Quinn will be if she finds out Pam is still trying to destroy her marriage after she already gave her a very serious warning. You guys remember, right? About a week ago, Quinn told Donna she would crack her crazy head open like and egg if she continues to meddle with her marriage. So, Pam is really playing with fire here.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this report. How do you guys feel about Brooke wasting no time to confront crazy Taylor about shooting Bill? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
The “Bold And The Beautiful” airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our “Bold And The Beautiful” Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here.