Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New Head Of Household Revealed For July 26, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We are back at you with the results of last night’s big HOH (Head Of Household) results. As most of you are aware, after the houseguests voted out Bella in last night’s LIVE eviction show, the remaining housguests for this current season 21 competed in a massive endurance competition that had everyone hanging on a vine for dear, friggin life.
The last one holding on, won HOH. It ended up lasting a little over two hours before we finally got our winner.
This HOH competition was titled, “Pose In Ivy.” Jessica was the first one to drop because she’s just absolutely useless in this game. At around 6:59 pm pacific time, July 25, 2019, Nicole dropped. That was about a minute after Jessica dropped. So, they’re both useless.
At around 7:04 pm, Sam dipped back, did some sort of horizontal movements and then finally dropped. At around 7:07 pm, Christie fell off. At around 7:10 pm, Nick dropped off. At that point, we were left with: Analyse, Jackson, Jack, Kat, Tommy, and Holly.
At around 7:20 pm, Jack dropped off. At the 7:30 pm mark, Tommy lost one of his footrests. So, he was in trouble. Surely enough at 7:31 pm, poor Tommy had to drop off. That left Jackson, Holly, Analyse, and Kathryn in the running for the new HOH.
At around 8:08 pm, Kathryn lost one of her footrests. So, she was in some major trouble at this point. However, she did regain it at the 8:10 pm mark. At around 8:15 pm, the houseguests got splattered with more liquids to make things extra difficult.
At around 8:20 pm, Jackson said he didn’t want anyone talking to him. He wanted to be really focused I guess, but it didn’t help because he dropped off a minute later at 8:21 pm.
That gave us an all-ladies final 3! But unfortunately for Kathryn, it was the end of the line for her right after Jackson at the 8:22 pm mark.
That left Holly and Analyse battling it out as the final two! At around 8:30 pm neither one of them seemed interested in striking up a deal of any sort. At around 8:45 pm, one of Holly’s handles got tangled, but she recovered it at 8:50 pm.
Finally at around 9:12 pm, Analyse fell off, and that means Holly is our new HOH for this week! At around 10:13 pm, Analyse was seen saying,”Holly will just do whatever Jackson wants this week. She needs a bigger backbone.”
At around 11:35 pm, Holly was seen mentioning possibly nominating Nick and a pawn for eviction. At around 1:45 am today, July 26, 2019, Jessica pitched to Holly, “Keep me safe, and you’ll have my vote to get out whoever you want.”
It sounded real desperate. The thing about Jessica is that she’s so useless,they are already talking about just dragging her to the end for an easy win. So, we’ll probably see Jessica stick around for the long haul at this point.
At around 9:30 am, Holly, Kat, Analyse, and Christie were talking about possibly nominating Sam and Nick for eviction.
At around 10:03 am, Nick pitched to Holly that he is a total free agent in the game and has no more distractions now that Bella is gone. He said, “I’ll do whatever you need me to do. I have no choice.”
At around 10:15 am, Sam also talked to Holly. He told her he would at least like to make it to jury. He was pretty much sure that he and Nick are in really big trouble this week. He offered to be in Holly’s corner if she saves him.
At around 11:10 am, Holly mentioned to Analyse that Nicole could be a backdoor option for her. Analyse told Holly that Kathryn would be a better backdoor option. Analyse doesn’t think Nicole would target Holly.
At around 11:15 am, Holly told Jackson that Nick and Sam will most likely be her eviction nominees.
Judging from all of that, it appears that Holly will certainly nominate Nick and Sam for eviction this week.
How do you guys feel about Holly winning HOH this week? Are You Happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Holly’s eviction nomination ceremony is going on right now as I type this. So, we will get confirmation shortly on who’s up for eviction this week. Look for our report on that.
You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
The next Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, July 28, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
This one should feature the HOH comp. Holly’s eviction nomination ceremony along with conversation footage and whatever else production comes up with. So, be sure to tune in for all of that.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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