Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New Eviction Nominees And Twist Revealed For August 10, 2019

Hey, fellow, “Big Brother” fans. We’ve got another big report for this current season 21. Yesterday, August 12, 2019, two more unlucky houseguests were indeed nominated for eviction this week, and we’re going to tell you all about it.
First, we’re going to do a brief recap of this week so far. As most of you guys know, Jack was finally sent packing to the jury house this past Thursday night, August 8, 2019 when he was evicted by a vote of 6-2.
After that, Tommy won the new HOH (Head Of Household) competition to become the new ruler of the house this week.
Then we had a new twist that came in to play before Tommy revealed his two nominees for eviction. You guys remember when host Julie Chen revealed that there would be an America’s Field Trip twist, right? If you don’t, we’re about to explain it.
America’s Field Trip sent three select houseguests on a special trip to only God knows where. During this trip, these three houseguests had to compete in a special competition. The winner of this special competition was awarded safety from eviction this week.
The second place finisher was given a special punishment. The third place finisher was thrown up on the eviction chopping block as a third nominee. America voted which three houseguests were sent on this trip.
Jackson, Analyse and Christie are the three houseguests that got the most votes. So, it was field trip time for them. When it was all said and done,Jackson ended up winning the comp for automatic safety from eviction this week.
Analyse came in second. So, she got a punishment. We’ve been seeing her in a chicken costume on the LIVE feeds. So, that is her punishment. Christie came in third place. So, she will be a special third nominee this week.
Finally, that brings us to Tommy’s eviction nominees. During his nomination ceremony yesterday, August 9, 2019, Tommy threw Kathryn and Cliff on the chopping block. That means we have Cliff, Kathryn and Christie as three eviction nominees this week.
The POV (Power Of Veto) competition is the next big event for this week. It’s expected to get played sometime today, August 10, 2019. Be sure to stay tuned for our report on that.
Production has currently plotted out that three people will be up for eviction this Thursday night. So, we’re not sure what they’re going to do if Christie happens to win the veto. We’re guessing there probably won’t be a replacement for her, but who knows with this whacky production team.
Anyways, some pretty interesting conversations took place on the LIVE feeds after the nomination ceremony. At around 6:25 pm pacific time, August 9, 2019, Kathryn was seen bawling her eyes out in the boat room for getting nominated. Poor Kathryn.
At around 6:30 pm, Jackson gave Kathryn very encouraging words. He told her she’ll be fine and that he will play the veto for her if he gets picked to play.
At around 6:58 pm, Tommy was seen telling Kathryn he wants her to win the veto. He also apologized for nominating her.
At around 7:55 pm, Holly was seen telling Kathryn it will come down to Christie and Cliff if they stay on the block.
At around 8:07 pm, Jackson told Holly he does not want to work with Christie again. So, he’s ready to get rid of her. Eventually, Holly agreed that is probably best.
Jackson told Holly, “No matter what the numbers look like for us after the fact, we need to vote Christie out. We might not have another shot, and we both get to compete in the next HOH. So, there’s no reason to be afraid.”
At around 8:25 pm, Christie told Nick that she knows Jackson and Holly will vote her out this week, and she doesn’t understand why Tommy doesn’t think they will.
At around 8:46 pm, Christie told Analyse, “No one is voting Kathryn out. Tommy nominating Kathryn was way too risky.”
At around 8:57 pm, Analyse told Tommy, “If Christie stays on the block, you’re going to have to be ok with Cliff being the target over Kathryn because no one thinks she will go.” Tommy said, “I will be ok with that as long as Christie stays.”
At around 11:45 pm, Nick told Tommy and Christie, “Holly and Jackson definitely plan to vote out Christie.” Tommy said, “Jackson made a deal with me. So, he shouldn’t.” I think Tommy forgot what game he’s playing. Big Brother deals get broken all the time.
Alright, so judging from those conversations, it certainly sounds like Christie could possibly get evicted if the nominations stay the same this week. Again, we’ve got the POV competition next. It should be played later on today, August 10, 2019. Stay tuned for the results of that.
You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here. After that, it’s just $5.99 a month.
How do you guys feel about Christie, Cliff and Kathryn being up for eviction this week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air tomorrow night,August 11, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. We expect it to feature the America’s Field trip twist, Tommy’s nomination ceremony , conversation footage and more. So, be sure to check it out if you want to see all of that good stuff.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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What the point of a field trip that the person can be Veto=FREED? That’s messed up…