‘Legacies’ Season 2, December 19, 2019 Episode 9 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, fellow “Legacies” fans. We unfortunately had to hop back on here to inform you guys of some very bad news for tonight and many more nights to come. It’s that your favorite CW supernatural drama is currently on a short break for then next couple of weeks. That means the next, new episode 9 Of Legacies season 2 will not be airing tonight, December 19, 2019.
Yep, it’s true, guys. We were able to track down the official airdate for the new episode 9. It’s currently scheduled to hit the airwaves on Thursday night, January 16, 2020 in its same 8 pm central standard time slot on The CW of course.
So, definitely get out a pencil or pen and write down that very important date and time as soon as you can.
So, what does The CW have lined up while Legacies is away on break? According to the TV guide listings, The CW is airing a new Iheartradio special in tonight’s 7 pm to 8:30 pm central standard time slot. It’s titled, “IHEARTRADIO JINGLE BALL 2019.”
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “This 90-minute holiday music event celebrates the season with performances by the year’s biggest recording artists and will feature star-studded performances from many of today’s hottest musical stars.”
Then in the 8:30 pm to 9 pm central standard time slot, The CW will air a quick 30 minute episode of “WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY?” It’s the 8th episode of season 15 titled, “Chris Jackson.”
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “An improvisational-comedy showcase in which a panel of talented performers wing it unscripted and unrehearsed.”
Then on Thursday night, December 26, 2019, The CW will air a repeat episode of Legacies. It’s the first episode of season 2 titled, “I’ll Never Give Up Hope.”
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “In the Season 2 premiere, Hope becomes determined to find her way back to Mystic Falls after discovering that there may be a way out of Malivore, and Alaric continues looking into the mysterious night Malivore was destroyed.
Elsewhere, as the students leave for summer vacation, Landon stays behind to keep an eye on Rafael, while MG heads to Atlanta to spend time with Kaleb’s family. Finally, while Lizzie spends the summer in Europe, Josie searches for answers about the mysterious ascendant.”
On Thursday night, January 2, 2020, The CW will air another repeat episode of Legacies. This one will be the second episode of season 2. It’s titled, “This Year Will Be Different.”
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “Determined to move forward with her new life alone, Hope’s (Danielle Rose Russell) latest hunt leads her on a collision course with the past she’s been desperately trying to leave behind.
Meanwhile, on their first day back in school, Landon’s (Aria Shahghasemi) newfound status as the popular guy leads to tensions with Josie (Kaylee Bryant). Elsewhere, as MG (Quincy Fouse) contemplates telling Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) how he feels about her, the arrival of a mysterious vampire puts a wrench into his plan.
Finally, as Alaric (Matthew Davis) gets settled into his new role at Mystic Falls High School, the students of the Salvatore School meet their new headmaster.”
On Thursday night, January 9, 2020, The CW will air one more repeat episode of Legacies. It will be the 8th episode of this current season 2 labeled, “This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent.”
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) joins forces with an unlikely ally to take down a Christmas monster, who’s using holiday cheer to infiltrate the Salvatore School.
Elsewhere, Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) surprises Rafael (Peyton Alex Smith) with news about his family lineage, and Sebastian (guest star Thomas Doherty) accompanies Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) on her latest mission.”
If that line of winter break programming entices you, you might still want to tune into The CW while Legacies is on a break. If not, you will definitely want to find something else to watch or do for the next few weeks.
We were able to get our hands on a few details for the new Legacies episode 9 of season 2 episode. The CW released a new preview clip and title for it.
We’re warning you this stuff might contain a few spoiler teasers. If you don’t like spoilers, we highly suggest that you close the x box on this article right now.
If you like or don’t mind reading spoilers, please we invite you to certainly stick around. Now that our spoiler warning is out of the way, let’s go over this new episode 9 title and preview clip.
Episode 9 is officially named, “I Couldn’t Have Done This Without You.” The new episode 9 preview clip starts off with Hope saying, “Someone once said, ‘You can’t go home again.’ I hope they were wrong.”
After that, the clip cuts to showing a series of different scenes that feature Lizzie talking about taking something out. Alaric saying, “We can’t let you loose in the world.”
Landon says, “I was trying to keep everybody safe.” The clip caps off with Josie saying, “Don’t let it break. You have to stop it.”
It looks like it could be a very intense and really dramatic episode to say the very least. You guys can view the new preview clip for episode 9 over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
Again, The CW confirmed that the new episode 9 is scheduled to air on January 16, 2020 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Legacies” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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Honestly what the hell, they do this every year. Not everyone is excited about Christmas for ffs. Just air the damn episodes. Y’all actually lose viewers with this. It’s bad enough that we get one episode per week and now they’re shifting it to next year. Half of us already forget what happened in the last epsiode.
The delay was announced immediately following episode 2×08 so it’s no surprise. The 2×09 trailer was released about a month ago. Return date was always on the 16th.