‘Nancy Drew’ Season 1, February 12, 2020 Episode 14 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Nancy Drew” fans. We unfortunately have some very bad news for you guys in this article. It turns out that your favorite show is currently on a short break.
So, The CW will not be airing the next, new episode 14 of Nancy Drew’s current season 1 tonight, February 12, 2020.
Also, you can go ahead and expect the same thing for next Wednesday night,February 19, 2020. But, after that, you guys need to get ready for the new episode 14 because it is officially scheduled to air on Wednesday night, February 26, 2020 in its usual 8 pm central standard time slot on The CW of course. So, be sure to mark down that very important date and time on your TV show calendars.
So, what is The CW airing instead of Nancy Drew’s new episode 14 tonight? Well, according to the TV guide listings, The CW is airing a repeat episode of their new show Katy Keene, which is actually a spin off show from their other hit show Riverdale. This repeat episode is the pilot episode 1 of season 1.
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “Katy Keene struggles to manage the pressures of her day job at Lacy’s Department Store and her very demanding boss, Gloria, who is a legendary personal shopper.
Lucky for Katy, she has the support of her longtime boyfriend, ‘KO’ Kelly, who has his own dream of becoming a professional boxer and a surprise Katy wasn’t expecting.”
Then next Wednesday night, February 19, 2020, The CW will air a Howie Mandel comedy special called, “HOWIE MANDEL’S 5TH ANNUAL ALL-STAR COMEDY GALA.” It will air from 7 pm central standard time to 8:30 pm.
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “Hosted by Howie Mandel, this special was recorded at the biggest comedy event in the world, the Just For Laughs Festival in Montreal.
The event features stand-up performances from some of the today’s hottest comedians including Ronny Chieng, Cameron Esposito, Alonzo Bodden, Anjelah Johnson, Rachel Bloom, Fortune Feimster, and many others.”
Then from 8:30 pm to 9 pm central standard time, The CW is going to throw in another episode of “WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY?” It will be the 12th episode of its 15th season. It’s titled, “Jonathan Mangum 5.”
The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “An improvisational-comedy showcase in which a panel of talented performers wing it unscripted and unrehearsed.”
If that line up of shows appeals to any of you guys,you might still want to watch The CW during this two week break. If not, you will certainly want to make other plans as soon as possible.
With all of that said, we were able to get our hands on some promotional materials for the next, new episode 14 of Nancy Drew’s first season. The CW served up an official press release, preview photos and a preview clip.
These items do contain light spoiler teasers. If you don’t like spoilers, we highly suggest that you close this article out right now.
If you don’t care about spoilers or even like them, we think you should definitely stick around for this next segment.
Now that our spoiler warning is taken care of, let’s go over this episode 14 press release. For starters, episode 14 is called/titled, “The Sign of the Uninvited Guest.”
It sounds like episode 14 will feature some very interesting, action-filled, dramatic and intense scenes.
In the new episode 14, Nancy and the Drew Crew will be extremely busy as they will be working not one, but two cases. They will work the Lucy Sable murder, and they will try to figure out who tried to kill a certain someone in their community.
Eventually, both of these investigations will lead back to the same friggin person. This will cause Nancy and Nick to gather up all of their findings and confront who they think is the culprit!
The CW’s official description for episode 14 reads like this, “Nancy (Kennedy McMann) and the Drew Crew follow the latest Lucy Sable murder lead, while simultaneously working to uncover the attempted murder of someone in their community.
When both investigations lead back to the same person, Nancy and Nick (Tunji Kasim) confront the suspect with their findings.”
The new preview photos for episode 14 feature Nancy, Georgia, Ned and more in some group scenes. These scenes look pretty serious and intense.
Nancy is also seen working some tables with Lisbeth in her waitress outfit. Those scenes also look quite serious. Detective Karen is spotted in a few of the pics,and she looks very serious and all business too. Ace is also seen in some of the photos with Nancy.
You guys can view all of the new preview photos for episode 14 over on Spoiler TV’s site by Clicking Here.
The new preview clip for episode 14 features Nancy looking to retrace Tiffany Hudson’s last steps. After that, the clip cuts to show some very dramatic scenes. Nancy and Lisbeth are seen getting highly startled to the point that they scream at the top of their lungs.
Ned is seen saying, “The real killer is out there” at one point. The clip makes sure to nail home the point that this episode will be all about figuring out who in the hell killed Tiffany. You guys can view the new episode 14 preview clip over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
Episode 14 will also feature: Scott Wolf as character Carson Drew, Leah Lewis as character Georgia, Maddison Jaizani as character Bess Marvin, Alex Saxon as character Ace, Riley Smith as character Ryan Hudson and Alvina August as character Detective Karen Hart.
Episode 14 was directed by Amanda Row, and it was written by Katherine DiSavino. Again, The CW confirmed that episode 14 is scheduled to air on Wednesday night, February 26,2020 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.
Every episode of NANCY DREW will be available to stream for free on CWTV.com and The CW App the day after its broadcast.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Nancy Drew” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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The girl Nancy screams with is Bess Not Lisbeth, Lisbeth is Bess’ girlfriend.