New ‘Westworld’ Spoilers For Season 3, March 29, 2020 Episode 3 Revealed

Hey, “Westworld” fans. We are here with a new spoiler article for you guys. In this session, we’re going to talk about what is going down in the next, new episode 3, which is due out next Sunday night,March 29, 2020.
The lovely folks over at HBO gave us a very short press release for episode 3. We’re going to tell you what it said, but that’s definitely not where we’re going to get most of our spoiler information from.
Oh, no, no,no. HBO’s press releases for these episodes are so vague and useless that words can’t even describe.
We’re actually going to be getting our spoiler teasers from the new preview clips that HBO releases after every episode airs. Tonight, they ,surely enough, released the new episode 3 preview clip. So, we’re going to tell you what we saw in it.
First off, Episode 3 is officially titled, “The Absence of Field.” It appears that episode 3 will feature a lot of Dolores and Charlotte scenes.
Caleb is also thrown into the mix for a brief period. Dolores reveals that she wants to start a revolution. She also wants Charlotte to pretend to be someone else because she trusts her so very, very much.
The new episode 3 preview clip starts off with Dolores saying to Caleb,”The way they built their world, it won’t take much to bring it all crashing down.”
Caleb asks Dolores, “What are you gonna do?” Dolores replies with, “Start a revolution.” Next, the clip cuts to Dolores telling Charlotte, “Remember who you are. Now, let me show you who you need to pretend to be.”
Charlotte asks Dolores, “But, why must I be her?” Dolores says, “Because I trust you.” Shortly after that, Charlotte says, “I feel like I’m changing.”
From there, the clip cuts to Charlotte telling a young boy, “Be a good boy and go to sleep for your mommy.”And that’s how it capped off. You guys can view the new preview clip for episode 3 over on Youtube by Clicking here.
Will Charlotte continue to carry out Dolores’ bidding by continuing to be this other person? That is a very important question for this ongoing plotline. At this point, only time will tell because HBO’s press releases for this season certainly don’t.
Here’s what HBO’s official press release description had to say for episode 3: “If you don’t like what you see in the mirror, don’t blame the mirror.”
Seriously, that’s all that is said, and all the rest of their press releases do the same thing for each episode. So, we’re just wondering why they even bothered to release them in the first place.
Anyways, the episode 3 press release went on to reveal that episode 3 was written by Denise Thé, and it was directed by Amanda Marsalis.
HBO’s press release confirmed that episode 3 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, March 29, 2020 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Westworld” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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