‘Billions’ Spoilers For Season 5, May 31, 2020 Episode 5 Revealed

‘Billions’ Spoilers For Season 5, May 31, 2020 Episode 5 Revealed

Hey,”Billions” fans. We are here to present to you a spoiler session for the next, new episode 5 that’s due out next Sunday night, May 31, 2020. We hope you guys enjoyed tonight’s episode 4.

We were able to collect a couple of new teaser descriptions for episode 5 via Showtime’s official episode 5 press release. So, that will certainly be our source for this article. Let’s dive into it.

To start, we do have an official title for episode 5. The producers decided to name it, “Contract.” Yep, they didn’t waste a lot of time with that title. They just named it one word and moved on.

It sounds like episode 5 will feature some very scandalous, intense, dramatic and interesting scenes as Axe must face his past. Chuck starts plotting against Axe. An emergency brings Chuck and Wendy back together. Wendy and Taylor set out to execute a new venture and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Axe situation. It turns out that Axe will be looking to make sure his future is secure. Before he can do that, he will have to face-off with his past.

Showtime’s official description for this Axe storyline reads like this, “Axe must reckon with his past to secure his future.”

We were able to track down some additional intel for Axe’s plotline. An old scheme is going to threaten his plans in episode 6. So, get ready to see Axe’s storyline get really intense as it continues to play out in the coming weeks.

It sounds like Axe’s episode 5 storyline will feature some pretty interesting scenes with him dealing with his past and all.

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Chuck will definitely not have Axe’s best interest in mind in this episode. Oh, no, no, no. Chuck will be very busy, cooking up a plot against Axe, and he will get some old associates to help him!

Showtime’s description for this Chuck plot reads like this, “Chuck plots against Axe with the help of some old associates.”

What will Chuck’s plot against Axe entail? That’s a big question for this particular plotline. Whatever the case, it sounds like this storyline will certainly feature some pretty scandalous and interesting scenes for you guys next week.

Some other things we’re hearing about Chuck is that he will wage a friggin war in episode 6! So, look for Chuck’s ongoing plotline to heat up in the not-too-distant future.

The 3rd spoiler scoop reveals that Chuck and Wendy will be in the midst of trying to stay out of each other’s lives. However, that plan will get stalled when an emergency causes Chuck and Wendy to have to come together again.

Showtime’s description for this Chuck and Wendy scenario reads like this,”Chuck and Wendy both try to move on, but they get forced together by an emergency.”

What will this emergency turn out to be? That is the money question for this particular plotline. Whatever the case, it sounds like this storyline will almost certainly feature some possible dramatic and emotional scenes. So, get ready for it.

The 4th and last teaser description lets us know that Wendy and Taylor will have a very significant-sounding moment in this episode. At some point, we’re going to see Wendy and Taylor totally set out to start up a new venture together!

Showtime’s description for this Wendy and Taylor storyline reads like this, “Wendy and Taylor embark on a new venture.”

What will their new venture entail? That is the burning question we’ll be looking to see get answered before the hour is up. It definitely sounds like this storyline could serve up some very interesting scenes depending on what Wendy and Taylor’s new venture turns out to be.

Showtime also released a couple of preview photos for episode 5. You guys can view all of them over on Spoiler TV’s site by Clicking Here.

Showtime’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 5 of Billions’ current season 5 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, May 31, 2020 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Billions” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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