New ‘Penny Dreadful City Of Angels’ Spoilers For Season 1, June 7, 2020 Episode 7 Revealed

New ‘Penny Dreadful City Of Angels’ Spoilers For Season 1, June 7, 2020 Episode 7 Revealed

Hey, “Penny Dreadful: City Of Angels” fans. We hope you guys thoroughly enjoyed episode 6. Now, that it’s officially over, it’s time for us to get back on here and tell you what is coming up in the next, new episode 7, which is set to hit the airwaves next week, June 7, 2020.

We were able to round up a few official teaser descriptions for episode 7 from Showtime’s episode 7 press release. So, that will certainly be our source for this article. With no further ado, let’s get started.

First off, we can tell you that episode 7 is officially entitled, “Maria and the Beast.” It sounds like episode 7 will feature some pretty dramatic, intense,interesting and possible action-filled scenes as Tiago wrestles with guilt.

Dottie and Lewis confront Brian! Elsa and Frank move in with the Crafts. Alex and Townsend try to figure out how to defeat Councilwoman Beck. Josefina has problems with her family. Lewis brings on Tiago to join his covert operations. Maria summons Santa Muerte and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Molly and Tiago situation. It turns out that Molly is going to end up paying Tiago a visit while he’s at his apartment. When she does, he will be quite busy trying to deal with the guilt of Diego’s confession.

Showtime’s official description for this Molly and Tiago scenario reads like this, “Molly visits Tiago at his apartment as he wrestles with guilt over Diego’s confession.”

Will Molly be able to help out Tiago in some way? That’s a question for this particular storyline. It sounds this plotline could feature some possible intense and dramatic scenes.

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Brian has been a naughty boy, and Dottie and Lewis don’t like it. Apparently, Brian has been lying up a storm in regards to his dueling allegiances. In light of this, Dottie and Lewis will straight up confront him about it!

Showtime’s description for this Dottie, Lewis and Brian situation reads like this, “Dottie and Lewis confront Brian for lying about his dueling allegiances.”

How will Brian react to Dottie and Lewis coming at him with this confrontational attitude? We’ll certainly be looking forward to that question getting answered in this episode. We think this storyline could serve up some very intense and dramatic scenes.

The 3rd spoiler scoop reveals that Tom and Marie are about to get super scared in this episode. The reason why is because Frank and Elsa are going to decide to move in with the Crafts!

Showtime’s description for this Elsa, Frank, Tom and Marie plotline reads like this, “Elsa and Frank move in with the Crafts, igniting fear in Tom and Maria.”

Should Tom and Maria really be this frightened about Elsa and Frank moving in with the Crafts. That’s a big question that I believe only time will tell.

The 4th spoiler teaser reveals that Alex and Townsend will be very busy with their latest plans in this episode. They will be intensely trying to cook up a plot that could enable them to take down Councilwoman Beck.

Showtime’s description for this Alex and Townsend storyline reads like this, “Alex and Townsend deliberate about how to defeat Councilwoman Beck.”

Will Alex and Townsend come up with a solid plan to defeat Councilwoman Beck? That is a very important question for this particular storyline. It definitely sounds like this plotline could feature some possible interesting scenes.

The 5th teaser description lets us know that Josefina will not be doing too great when it comes to her family in this episode. Apparently, her newfound faith that she’s acquired will not sit well at all with her family. So, she will certainly be at odds with them.

Showtime’s description for this latest Josefina debacle reads like this, “Josefina’s newfound faith puts her at odds with her family.”

Will Josefina try and fix this negative predicament she finds herself in with her family? That’s an important question for this storyline. It definitely sounds like it could feature some possible intense and dramatic scenes. Look out for it.

The 6th spoiler scoop reveals that Lewis will have some interesting plans for Tiago. At some point, we will see Lewis get Tiago to join in on his covert operations even though Tiago is very hesitant to do so.

Showtime’s description for this Lewis and Tiago plotline reads like this, “Lewis enlists a reluctant Tiago to join his covert operations.”

Will Tiago continue to go along with Lewis’ plans. It certainly sounds like Tiago is teetering on the edge. We’ll have to wait and see what happens with that situation.

The 7th and last teaser description lets us know that Maria will end up summoning Santa Muerte. However, and she could run into some problems when a surprise guest that was not invited shows up with her!

Showtime’s description for this Maria scenario reads like this, “Maria summons Santa Muerte, but an uninvited guest arrives with her.”

Who will this uninvited guest turn out to be? How will Maria handle this situation? Those are a few, big questions for this particular plotline.

We do think this storyline will feature some possible, very interesting scenes depending on who this guest is and what Maria decides to do about it.

Showtime’s press release confirmed that episode 7 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, June 7, 2020 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Penny Dreadful: City Of Angels” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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