New ‘The Chi’ Spoilers For Season 3, July 19, 2020 Episode 5 Revealed

New ‘The Chi’ Spoilers For Season 3, July 19, 2020 Episode 5 Revealed

Hey, “The Chi” fans. We are back at you on another Sunday to deliver a new set of spoiler scoops for you guys. In this article, we’re going to be talking about the next, new episode 5 for The Chi’s current season 3.

We were able to get a few, new storyline teasers for episode 5 from the terrific folks over at Showtime via their episode 5 press release. So, that’s what we’ll be running by you in this spoiler session. Let’s get into it.

To start, there is an official title for episode 5. It’s called, “Terror Town.” It sounds like episode 5 will feature some interesting, dramatic, intense and possible action-filled scenes as Ronnie’s memories cause a problem.

Trig’s battle to get custody of Jake is threatened. Kevin and his friends get tested. Emmett capitalizes on a certain predicament. Jada meets Tomas’ family and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Ronnie situation. It turns out that Ronnie will definitely have some issues in this episode. Apparently, Ronnie’s progress will be greatly halted by memories from the past.

Showtime’s official description for this Ronnie storyline reads like this, “Ronnie’s memories threaten to drown his progress.”

How will Ronnie handle this situation moving forward. That’s an important question for this particular storyline. Some other things we’re hearing about Ronnie is that he will take his grandmother Ms. Ethel on whirl back in time in episode 6. So, look for Ronnie to be quite active over these next two episodes.

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Trig will not be having an easy go at things in this episode. Trig is currently in a battle to win over custody of Jake. However, a surprise visitor is going to show up on the scene and totally threaten Trig’s custody attempts!

Showtime’s description for this Trig plotline reads like this, “An unexpected visit threatens Trig’s battle to get custody of Jake.”

Who will this surprise visitor turn out to be? Will they succeed at blocking Trig’s custody of Jake efforts? Those are some big questions for this storyline. We’ll definitely have to wait and see.

Whatever the case, it sounds like this storyline could feature some possible intense and dramatic scenes for you guys next week. So, get ready for it.

The 3rd spoiler teaser reveals that Kevin and his friends will have some intense and possible action-filled moments in this episode. At some point, Kevin and his friends are going to go on a certain adventure. During this adventure, their fight-or-flight instincts will get tested to their absolute limits!

Showtime’s description for this Kevin and friends scenario reads like this,”Kevin and his friend’s adventure tests the limits of their fight-or-flight instincts.”

What will this adventure entail exactly? That’s a big question we’ll be looking to see get answered in this episode. We’re also officially hearing that Kevin will have issues that flood over into episode 6. It will be Kevin’s birthday in episode 6, but he certainly won’t feel like celebrating it.

The 4th spoiler scoop reveals that Emmett will have a pretty interesting-sounding moment in this episode. Apparently, a certain predicament will arise, and Emmett will find a way to capitalize from it.

Showtime’s description for this latest Emmett plotline reads like this, “Emmett capitalizes on a predicament.”

What will this predicament turn out to be? That’s a big question for this particular scenario. It definitely sounds like we could get some possible interesting scenes out of this plotline depending on what this predicament turns out to be.

Oh, we’re also hearing that Emmett will go on a cannabis run with Tiff in episode 6. So, look out for that.

The 5th and last teaser description lets us know that Jada will have a significant-sounding moment in this episode. At some point, we will see Jada meet Tomas’ family.

Showtime’s description for this Jada storyline reads like this,”Jada meets Tomas’ family.”

How will this meeting go? Will Jada set a good first impression? Those are some big questions for this particular scenario. We do expect to see those questions get answered before the hour is up next week. We could get some interesting scenes out of this one.

Showtime’s press release confirmed that the next,new episode 5 of The Chi’s current season 3 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, July 19, 2020 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Chi” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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