New ‘P-Valley’ Spoilers For Season 1, July 26, 2020 Episode 3 Revealed

Hey, “P-Valley” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed tonight’s new episode 2. Now that it’s officially aired and is in the can, we are back on here to let you guys know about a few storylines that are set to take place in the next, new episode 3, which is due out next Sunday night, July 26, 2020.
The terrific folks over at STARZ were nice enough to serve up two,new teaser descriptions for episode 3 via their episode 3 press release. So, that is what we’ll be using as a source for this spoiler session. Let’s get into it.
First off, STARZ’s episode 3 press release let us know that episode 3 is officially named,”Higher Ground.” It sounds like episode 3 will feature some pretty interesting, possible dramatic and intense scenes as Autumn gets a new look while learning the rules of the game. Uncle Clifford becomes privy to some major changes for Chucalissa and more.
We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Autumn situation. It turns out that Autumn will be making some interesting progressions in this episode. At some point, we will see Autumn start sporting a new look that is quite bold.
She’s also going to start learning the rules of working a regular from the Trinity. Also the Trinity’s favorite repeat customer is going to show up for a visit.
STARZ’s official description for this Autumn storyline reads like this, “Autumn dons a bold new look and learns the rules of working a “regular” from The “Trinity,” each of whom receives a visit from her favorite repeat customer.”
What will Autumn’s new look entail. That’s a big question we’ll be looking to see get answered in this episode. It certainly sounds like we could see some very interesting scenes play out in this storyline when next Sunday night rolls around. So, be ready.
The second and last teaser description lets us know that Uncle Clifford will have a very significant-sounding moment in this episode. At some point, Uncle Clifford is going to find out that there are some changes in store for the Chucalissa very soon, and these changes will be quite huge indeed!
STARZ’s description for this Uncle Clifford storyline reads like this,”Uncle Clifford learns about big changes coming to Chucalissa.”
What will these big changes entail exactly? That’s the obvious, huge question for this particular storyline. Only time will tell for now. Whatever the case, it sounds like this storyline will definitely serve up some very interesting scenes depending on what these major changes are.
STARZ’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 3 of P-Valley’s premiere season 1 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, July 26, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “P-Valley” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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