‘Perry Mason’ Season 1, August 9, 2020 Episode 8 Is The Finale. Renewed For Season 2

‘Perry Mason’ Season 1, August 9, 2020 Episode 8 Is The Finale. Renewed For Season 2

Hey, “Perry Mason” fans. We are back at you ,this week, with another special article for you guys. In this one, we’re going to start off by telling you that this wonderful first season of HBO’s hit drama Perry Mason has indeed come to a close with tonight’s finale episode 8.

That’s right, guys.Tonight’s episode 8 will indeed be the last episode you will see of Perry Mason for a while. However, it won’t be the last one you’ll ever see because HBO did indeed renew it for a brand new season 2! HBO served up the season 2, renewal announcement a few weeks back.

The Executive Vice President for HBO programming Francesca Orsi made the announcement, and she had some wonderful things to say about the show when she did. She stated, “It has been an exciting journey to work with the immensely talented team behind PERRY MASON.

Viewers have relished being transported back in time to 1930’s Los Angeles each week, and we are thrilled to welcome the show back for a second season.”

Currently, it is unknown how many episodes will be featured in the next, new season 2 of Perry Mason. We’ll have to wait for that announcement to happen at some other time in the future. We’re guessing season 2 probably won’t premiere until next summer 2021, but who knows? Maybe it’ll happen sooner. We’ll have to wait and see.

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The first season of Perry Mason brought in some pretty strong, LIVE ratings and viewership numbers for a cable show. It averaged 890,000 LIVE viewers per episode and a 0.09 ratings score for the 18-49 year old demographics.

The most-watched episode was episode 6 with 1.038 million LIVE viewers. The least-watched episode was episode 4 with 711,000 LIVE viewers.

The highest-rated episode was episode 6 with a 0.12 ratings score. The lowest-rated episode was episode 3 with a 0.07 ratings score.

These numbers definitely don’t count in the number of viewers who watched it on the HBO app, on demand and other streaming platforms. HBO’s press release mentioned that the premiere episode was actually watched by 8 million viewers when you add in all the other ways that people can watch the episodes.

They say the premiere episode was HBO’s most-watched premiere in two years. So, Perry Mason definitely brought in strong numbers for HBO across all the streaming platforms.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Perry Mason” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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Derek Smith
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