‘P-Valley’ Season 1, August 23, 2020 Episode 7 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “P-Valley” fans. We are back on here this Sunday with some very unfortunate news for you guys. For some reason that is unbeknownst to us, STARZ has decided not to air the next, new episode 7 of P-Valley’s current, premiere season 1 tonight, August 23, 2020. That’s right, guys. It’s just not happening tonight.
The good news is that we can officially tell you that the new episode 7 is scheduled to air next Sunday night, August 30, 2020 in its usual 7 pm central standard time slot on STARZ of course. So, be sure to mark down that very important date and time on your TV show calendars at once.
So, what is STARZ airing instead of the next, new episode 7 of P-Valley season 1 tonight? That’s a very good question. According to the TV Guide listings, Starz is airing a repeat episode of P-Valley. The repeat episode they’ve chosen to air is the 3rd episode of season 1 titled, “Higher Ground.”
STARZ’s official description for it reads like this, “Autumn dons a bold new look and learns the rules of working a “regular” from The “Trinity,” each of whom receives a visit from her favorite repeat customer. Meanwhile, Uncle Clifford learns about big changes coming to Chucalissa.”
If any of you guys have any desire to watch this 3rd episode of P-Valley season 1, you might definitely still want to flip on STARZ tonight to catch it. Those of you who absolutely do not want to watch this repeat, 3rd episode of P-Valley season 1, will certainly want to start making other arrangements as soon as possible.
With all that said, STARZ did leave us with some new info for the next, new episode 7 of P-Valley season 1. They put out a press release for it. So, we’re going to go over it right now.
It does contain light spoiler teasers. So, if reading spoilers aren’t something you like to do, we certainly advise that you exit this article right now. If you absolutely love reading spoiler scoops, we think you’ll definitely want to stick around until the end of this article.
Now that our spoiler warning is out there, let’s go over this episode 7 press release. For starters, we’ve got an official title for episode 7. It’s called, “Last Call for Alcohol.”
The new episode 7 sounds like it will feature some possible intense, dramatic and lively scenes.
In the new episode 7, Uncle Clifford will take the spotlight in one or more of these scenes. At some point, we will see Uncle Clifford get in an intense battle for the hearts and minds of Chucalissa.
Elsewhere, we’re going to see a ton of action going down at the club. At some point,the Pynk family will come together and get prepped for what might well be the club’s biggest night ever!
STARZ’s official description for episode 7 reads like this, “Uncle Clifford goes to war for the hearts and minds of Chucalissa. Back at the club, the Pynk family comes together to prepare for its biggest night yet.”
Again, STARZ confirmed that the next, new episode 7 of P-Valley season 1 is scheduled to air next Sunday night, August 30, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “P-Valley” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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