Big Brother 22 Spoilers: October 11, 2020 Power Of Veto Winner Revealed

Hey, fellow, “Big Brother” fans. We are back in action on this Sunday afternoon to give you the full report on who won the latest Big Brother season 22, All-Stars POV (Power Of Veto) competition when it took place yesterday, October 10, 2020.
Before we get into the results of it, we’re going to do our usual, short recap of this week so far to make sure everyone is up to speed on everything. This past Thursday night, October 8, 2020, Nicole pulled out the HOH (Head Of Household) to claim her first HOH/competition of this season. It couldn’t have come at a better time for her too.
Then on Friday, October 9, 2020, Nicole decided to throw Memphis and Christmas up on the eviction chopping block during her nomination ceremony, and she told Christmas that Memphis is her main target because she thinks he could beat her in a final 2 situation.
And that all brings us up to speed to yesterday’s POV competition. Everyone got to play for veto since there’s only five people left in the house. According to the folks over on Big Brother Network, their competition was the BB Comics challenge.
When it was all finally said and done, it was Nicole who emerged as the winner! That’s right, guys. Nicole is on a friggin role right now. She has claimed both the HOH and POV powers this week.
If she keeps this up, she could very well be the first two-time winner in the history of Big Brother. I was saying they should have gotten Nicole out when they had the opportunity in the triple eviction. Now, she may very well squirm her way to the end.
Nicole has told Enzo and Cody that she definitely doesn’t plan on using the veto. That means we can most certainly expect to see Christmas and Memphis remain on the chopping block until eviction night when one of them will be voted off and sent to the jury house.
However, there is still the POV ceremony, which is scheduled to happen tomorrow sometime. Memphis and Christmas still have about 24 hours to try and change Nicole’s mind. So, we’ll see if they can do it. It’s highly unlikely though.
At around 6:05 pm pacific time, October 10, 2020, Enzo was seen telling Cody, “We might want Christmas out over Memphis because Memphis wouldn’t cut either of us over Nicole.” Cody said Memphis would cut me at final four. So, either of these noms are the same to me.”
At around 6:50 pm, Nicole told Cody,”Christmas was trying to work on me to backdoor you.” Cody said, “Memphis thinks he’s staying. It’s better for me to keep Memphis.”
Nicole said, “Is that what you plan to do? Cody said, “It’s better for you if I cut Memphis. So, I’ll do that. Once we get rid of Memphis, there is no one left who could beat either of us in the final two.”
At around 8:45 pm, Nicole told Enzo, “Memphis is going this week.” Enzo agreed with her. Nicole said, “Christmas is trying to get me to use the veto to save her.” Enzo said, “Christmas is lucky she gets to stay just because she’s up against a bigger target.”
Judging from those LIVE feed conversations, it seems 99.9 percent certain that Nicole will not use the veto tomorrow, and Memphis is still the main target for eviction.
Again, we’ll be back with a new report of the POV ceremony ,tomorrow, to confirm everything, and then just sit and wait for Memphis to get voted out this Thursday night,October 15, 2020. It seems pretty predictable at this point, guys. Quite predictable.
How do you guys feel about Nicole winning the POV comp this week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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