Big Brother September 17, 2021 Nominated Kyland & Azah For Eviction (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, September 17, 2021, another new episode of Big Brother season 23 did indeed air. It revealed who won the latest HOH (Head Of Household) competition, and who’s the latest eviction nominees.
Tonight’s new episode kicked off with footage of what went down during last night’s double eviction episode with Diary room aka private camera insights.
Azah told the private cams, that she was staying loyal to Xavier and Derek F and hoping Hannah didn’t win the veto. However, Azah did say it didn’t feel right when Kyland used the veto to save Xavier. At that time, she thought they might vote out Derek F. “I feel like I’ve been played,” she said.
Kyland told Xavier he was afraid of letting Derek F vote. So, he used the veto to save Xavier. Kyland told the private cams, “My loyalty is to Xavier.” Xavier told the private cams, “My loyalty is to Derek F.”
Azah told the private cams that she was really ticked off that the guys pulled that veto move during the double eviction episode. Derek F told Xavier that he was a little upset about Kyland using the veto on Xavier because he felt left out of the plan.
After all of that footage, the HOH (Head Of Household) competition took place. Azah told the private cams, “I feel like there’s a target on my back after winning the last HOH.” Derek told the private cams, “I need to win this HOH to make sure there are no more blindsides pulled on me.”
This HOH competition was a mental/physical challenge. They had to find five clues. The fastest time, won. Only Xavier, Derek F and Kyland were eligible to play for this HOH since Azah won the last HOH.
When this HOH was all wrapped up, it was revealed that Derek F finished it in 15:40. Kyland finished in 14:52, and Xavier finished it in 10:18. That means Xavier won it to become the new HOH.
Xavier told the private cams of winning the HOH, “The joy I feel is insurmountable. I feel like I’m in a very good position . It’s a great feeling.”
Kyland told the private cams, “I’m pretty disappointed that I lost this competition.” Kyland told Derek F, “I needed to win this HOH the most.” Derek F said, “We’re gonna get through this.”
Xavier told the private cams, “If Kyland doesn’t win the veto, he could go home.”
Xavier told Azah that he does not have a final 2 with Kyland even though he did make a final 2 deal with Kyland. Azah told the private cams, “I will feel played if me and Derek F are nominated.”
Xavier told Derek F, “You will make the top 3.” He also talked to Derek F about cutting Kyland this week. Derek F told the private cams, “I have a problem with cutting Kyland. I’m conflicted.”
At the nomination ceremony, Xavier nominated Azah and Kyland for eviction. He told Azah, “The fact that you’ve gone this far without being nominated, speaks volumes to your social game and the respect you have as a person.” Xavier told Kyland, “Your competition wins speak for themselves.”
Xavier told the private cams, “If I win pov, I’m keeping the nominations the same, and it’ll be up to Derek F who goes next. Kyland’s going either this week or next week. Why wait?”
How do you guys feel about Azah and Kyland getting nominated for eviction this week? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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