Celebrity Big Brother February 11, 2022 Evicted Chris Kirkpatrick, New HOH Revealed (Recap)

Hey,Celebrity Big Brother fans. Tonight, February 11, 2022, another LIVE eviction episode for Celebrity Big Brother season 3 did indeed air, and another celeb got sent packing at the end. We also found out who the new HOH (Head Of Household ) is.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with footage of what took place in the house after reigning HOH (Head Of Household) Miesha Tate nominated Carson and Cynthia for eviction.
Miesha told the Diary Room aka the private cams, “I nominated Carson because he has a top notch social game. I nominated Cynthia because she’s riding with Carson. If I cant get Carson out, I can take out one of his allies.”
Carson told the private cams, “Why is Miesha so obsessed with me?” Toddrick tried to do damage control with Cynthia saying to her, “It wasn’t my decision for you to go up on the block.” Miesha told Todrick, “Kirkpatrick is our next target after we get rid of Carson.” Todrick definitely agreed.
Shanna told Kirkpatrick, “I feel like I could get backdoored if Carson or Cynthia come down.” Kirkpatrick suggested to Shanna, “If you win the veto, take Carson down. I might go up, but I’m willing to take that risk.”
At one point, Chris Kattan told Kirkpatrick, “I’m having a very tough time. I wanna go back home.” Then, Kattan went to the diary room and never came back. Miesha told everyone that Kattan will not be continuing in the game, and he will send a video message to explain his departure.
In Kattan’s video message he told everyone, “This experience has been a very difficult thing for me to do.” He went on to give everyone compliments about their character and so on and so forth. He capped it off by saying, “Best of luck to all you for the rest of this competition.” Everyone said that they will miss Kattan. They thought he was great.
Next, it was revealed who was playing for the Power Of Veto this round. Miesha and her two nominees Carson and Cynthia played for veto by default. Then, Shanna, Lamar, and Todick were randomly selected to play. After that, we got footage of Todrick having to explain to Lamar how the veto works because he just didn’t have a clue at all.
From there, we were shown footage of the veto comp. It was a physical comp that involved them riding a mechanical reindeer really fast and then running to stack snowflakes. Whoever stacked the most snowflakes in the allotted amount of time, won the veto. Shanna ended up pulling out the win with a score of 22.
Next, Miesha started getting worried that she might have to nominate a replacement nominee if Shanna uses the veto to save someone, and she was looking for volunteers. Todd told Miesha, “You can put me up as a pawn if Shanna saves Carson.” Then, Kirkpatrick went back an told Shanna, “We can flip it and vote Todd out.” They told Carson about this plan, and he said, “I’m down with that.”
Miesha told Todrick, “I’m worried about Kirkpatrick flipping.” Miesha eventually went to talk with Kirkpatrick, and she asked him, point blank, “Are you voting Carson out?” Kirkpatrick said to her, “You know I have you.” He didn’t want to give a straight up yes or no answer.
Miesha asked Shanna, “Are you planning to take someone down? Shanna said, “I was planning to take Cynthia off.” Miesha asked Shanna, “You don’t have plans to take Carson off do you?” Shanna said, “No, not at the moment.”
At the POV ceremony, Shanna did indeed use the veto to save Carson. Then, Miesha put up Kirkpatrick in Carson’s place.
Miesha told the private cams, “I put Kirkpatrick up because he’s given me reason to doubt his loyalty.” Miesha told the private cams of Shanna, “You have went from being my teammate to my opponent.”
Miesha told Shanna, “You just drew a line in the sand.” Kirkpatrick told Shanna,”You just won by flipping this house.” Kirkpatrick told the private cams, “If we didn’t do anything, Miesha and Todrick were just going to pick us off, 1 by 1.”
Todd told Lamar that he wants to vote Cynthia out because she voted to evict him when he was up on the block. Cynthia caught wind of how Todd was feeling and went to talk to him about it. At one point, Todd told Cynthia, “Where I’m from, if you cut me, I cut you.”
Cynthia told Todd, “Do what you gotta do. I didn’t owe you anything.” Cynthia kept coming at him with some other points she was making. Things got a little loud. That caused Todd to totally lose it. He said, “So, you wanna go there with it?” Then, he got up and cussed her out saying, “You can’t tell me what I need to do!”
Carson pulled Cynthia away and told her to just leave Todd alone. Then, Carson went to talk to Todd about the Cynthia argument. Todd told Carson, “I’m not just gonna sit there and take her shouting at me.” Carson said, “You didn’t have to get all up in her face like that.” Todd said, “I was just sitting there and being quiet, and she kept coming at me. So, I wasn’t just going to keep taking it.”
After all of that, the two eviction nominees: Kirkpatrick & Cynthia gave their plea speeches. Then, the rest of the houseguests minus HOH Miesha casts their votes to evict. Todrick, Todd, Shanna, Lamar and Carson all voted to evict Kirkpatrick. No one voted to evict Cynthia. So, by a unanimous vote of 5-0, Chris Kirkpatrick was evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother house tonight. He gave everyone a hug on the way out.
During his exit interview, Kirkpatrick told host Julie Chen-Moonves,”I’m surprised Shanna didn’t vote for me, but I’m glad she went with the house to kind of help her game out a little bit.” Julie asked Kirkpatrick, “Why did you take that risk to your game?” Kirkpatrick said, “I did it because I knew that we would just get picked off.
Even though I threw my game to the wind, it was fun to shake up the house up a little bit. This was awesome. I did what I came to do.” Afterwards, Kirkpatrick got to see some nice goodbye messages from Miesha, Carson, Todrick and Shanna.
From there, the remaining celebs played the new HOH (Head Of Household) competition. It was an endurance comp where they had to hold onto a wall for dear life while being tilted and having things squired on them.
It lasted past the time constraints of the LIVE show, but we’ve learned from the LIVE feeds that Carson ended up winning this HOH comp about an hour ago. So, I think we might be seeing Miesha and Todrick finally hit the block in this next round.
How do you guys feel about Chris Kirkpatrick getting evicted in tonight’s February 11, 2022 episode, and Carson winning the new HOH? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new Celebrity Big Brother season 3 episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, February 13, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Celebrity Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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