New The White Lotus Season 2 Spoilers For December 4, 2022 Episode 6 Revealed

New The White Lotus Season 2 Spoilers For December 4, 2022 Episode 6 Revealed

Hey, “The White Lotus” fans. We hope you guys totally enjoyed what episode 5 delivered tonight. Now that episode 5 is officially in the history books, we are back on here to talk about what the next, new episode 6 will be serving up when it makes its arrival next Sunday night, December 4, 2022.

Once again, HBO has not served up their official episode 6 press release yet, but they did release a new, official episode 6 preview clip. So, we’re going to extract some spoiler scoops from it. Let’s get into it.

First thing’s first. We got an official title for this new episode 6 of The White Lotus season 2 from HBO. It’s called, “Abductions.” It looks like episode 6 will feature some comical, interesting, intense, dramatic and emotional moments as Ethan confronts Cameron. Tonya gives Portia some advice. Lucia reveals what she does in a not-so-revealing way and more.

The episode 6 clip starts off revealing an Ethan and Harper scene. Ethan tells Harper, “We’ve always been honest with each other.” Harper says, “Not honest about how we’re not attracted to each other.” Ethan says, “I love you.” Harper says,”Ugh, so depressing.” So, it seems that relationship is pretty one-sided.

Tanya is seen telling Portia, “When I see you, I see a younger version of me. You should slow down with this guy.” Next, the clip cuts to a scene featuring Jack running up and scaring the crap out of Portia.

Albie is seen introducing Lucia to Dominic and Bert by saying, “This is Lucia. She’s gonna translate for us.” Bert is seen asking Lucia, “So, tell us about yourself, my dear. What do you do?” Lucia says, “Hospitality.”

There’s a brief moment featuring Tonya getting her hand kissed by a guy. Valentina is seen having a drink. Jack and Portia have another scene. In it, Jack tells Portia, “We just gotta live everyday as it comes. Who knows if we’re even gonna be here tomorrow.”

Apparently, some guy will be following Lucia and Albie in this episode. Lucia is seen telling Albie, “He says I owe him money.” Albie says, “He followed us here?”

The clip caps off by revealing a pretty intense-looking Ethan and Cameron scene. Ethan tells Cameron, “I know what you’re doing, man. Were you in our f#%cking room?” You guys can view the episode 6 preview clip for yourselves over on Youtube by Clicking Here.

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