New General Hospital July 22, 2024 Episode Spoilers Revealed

New General Hospital July 22, 2024 Episode Spoilers Revealed

Hey, “General Hospital” fans. We’re back in action to get another new week of episode spoilers started up for you guys. In this spoiler session, we’re going to see what’s going on in the General Hospital world in tomorrow’s new, July 22, 2024 edition.

We were able to round up five, new, official teaser descriptions for the July 22, 2024 episode via the lovely ABC folks. So, let’s dive straight into those right now.

It sounds like tomorrow’s new, Monday, July 22, 2024, week-starting edition will serve up some very interesting, intense, dramatic and emotional scenes as some plans get messed up. A strategy session takes place. A warning is given and more.

The first spoiler scoop reveals that Laura will be in action at some point. In this particular scene, she will be seen using most of her time, trying to find Anna. ABC’s official description for Laura’s search for Anna scenario tells us, “Laura seeks out Anna.”

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Jason won’t be a happy camper in this episode as the plans he has cooked up will fail miserably at some point. ABC’s description for Jason’s failed plans reads like this, “Jason’s plans go awry.”

The 3rd spoiler teaser lets us know Ava is going to get together with Scott at some point to try and come up with some sort of strategy. ABC’s description for Ava and Scott’s strategy session reads like this, “Ava and Scott strategize.”

The 4th spoiler scoop reveals that Sonny will meet up with Michael at some point to have a conversation. During it, Sonny will hit up Michael with a request of some sort. ABC’s description for Sonny’s request session with Michael reads like this, “Sonny makes a request of Michael.”

The 5th and last teaser spoiler for tomorrow’s new, July 22, 2024 episode lets us know that we’re going to see Diane in action, and it sounds like she’ll be very serious in this scene because she’s going to deliver a warning to somebody. ABC’s description for Diane’s warning session reads like this, “Diane issues a warning.”

Alright, guys. That’s all the official teaser spoilers we could gather up for tomorrow’s new, July 22, 2024 edition of General Hospital, but certainly expect to see at least a few other scenes pop up that were not mentioned here.

General Hospital usually airs every Monday through Friday at approximately 1 pm central standard time on ABC.

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