New Big Brother August 7, 2024 Episode 10 Preview Revealed

New Big Brother August 7, 2024 Episode 10 Preview Revealed

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. We’re back to let you know that another Big Brother episode is hitting the air tonight, August 7, 2024. This one will be the 10th one for this current season 26, and we’ve got some new preview info for it.

In tonight’s new episode 10, you guys can expect to see footage of some conversations that took place in the house after the current HOH (Head Of Household) Cedric nominated Kenney, Angela and Tucker for eviction at the last nomination ceremony.

Then, at some point, we’re going to see footage of the latest POV (Power Of Veto) competition. This footage will, of course, reveal the winner of it. Then, we’ll see some more conversation footage that took place after the comp. That will all lead up to the POV Ceremony. During it, we’ll find out if the POV winner chose to use the veto or not to wrap up this episode.

Spoiler Warning: For those of you who are interested, we can tell you, right now, that Tucker won the POV competition this week. Then, at the POV Ceremony, he pulled probably one of the most dumbest moves in Big Brother history by not using the veto to take himself off the block. Nope, instead, he used it to take Angela off the block.

Then, Cedric nominated Makensy as a replacement nominee for Angela. Then, Makensy used her America’s veto upgrade power to take herself off the block, leaving just Tucker and Kenney sitting on the chopping block. America will vote to put up the 3rd nominee in tomorrow night’s LIVE eviction episode.

So, you guys can expect to see a major big mess take place in tonight’s episode that leaves just Kenney and Tucker sitting on the chopping block at the end, and everyone looking completely stunned out of their minds. Be sure to follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates by Clicking Here.

Tucker did this crazy move because he apparently had it in his messed up brain that if he used his veto to take Angela off the block, Cedric would put up Quinn in her place and that the house would vote Quinn out to get rid of his deep fake HOH upgrade power. However, Cedric warned Tucker earlier that day to use the veto to save himself because the Quinn plan is not going to happen. Tucker refused to believe Cedric and used the veto on Angela anyways. Crazy.

Again, the next, new episode 10 of Big Brother’s current season 26 is indeed scheduled to show up tonight, August 7, 2024, starting at approximately 7 pm central standard time. It will also be available for streaming on Paramount+ the next day.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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