Big Brother August 9, 2024 New HOH (Head Of Household) Winner Revealed (Spoilers)

Big Brother August 9, 2024 New HOH (Head Of Household) Winner Revealed (Spoilers)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. We’re back with another very important Big Brother season 26 update for you guys. The new HOH (Head Of Household) competition was played last night, August 8, 2024, after the LIVE eviction episode, which sent Kenney packing.

According to some discussions on the LIVE feeds, it came down to Angela and Cam during the HOH competition, and somehow, Angela managed to pull out the victory. So, Angela is the new HOH for this week. She will be tasked with nominating another three unlucky houseguests for eviction at the nomination ceremony, which is scheduled to happen later on today, August 9, 2024.

However, Quinn has made it perfectly clear that he does plan to use his deep fake HOH upgrade power this week if he has to. The only way Quinn doesn’t use his deep fake HOH powers to take over Angela’s nominations is if she nominates who Quinn wants her to nominate. Either way, it will be Quinn who is controlling who goes up on the block this week.

At around 10:12 pm pacific time yesterday, August 8, 2024, Tucker was seen telling Angela, “Put me up so you can get closer to Quinn. Quinn will only use his power if I’m not on the block.”

At around 10:17 PM, Quinn told Cedric, Chelsie, and Brooklyn that he is planning to nominate Makensy, Tucker, and Rubina. Quinn went on to say, “I’m going to tell Rubina it’s because you’ll save Tucker with the veto if you won.”

At around 11:05 PM, Brooklyn was seen telling Rubina that Angela won’t even get a chance to reveal what her nominations would be because Quinn has to activate his deep fake HOH takeover before the nomination ceremony.

At around 11:32 PM, Quinn was seen telling T’Kor and Kimo that he plans to nominate Tucker, Makensy, and Rubina because they are all clearly working together,and Cedric agreed to be a renom if needed. Quinn also reiterated what Brooklyn mentioned earlier by saying that no one will get to see Angela’s nominations before he takes over her HOH.

At around 1:33 AM today, August 9, 2024 Quinn was seen explaining to Brooklyn how his deep fake HOH is going to work stating, ” Angela doesn’t get to name her nominees. It’s going to appear on the board like Angela is talking. So, I’m going to say some really funny things.”

Judging from those LIVE feed conversations, we can expect to see Quinn definitely take over Angela’s HOH and nominate Tucker, Makensy and Rubina for eviction at the nomination ceremony later on today. However, this game changes from minute-to-minute. So, it’s still possible something else could happen.

We’ll be back with a report of the actual results of the nomination ceremony as soon as they’re available. So, be on the lookout for it. Be sure to follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates by Clicking Here.

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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