New MasterChef August 28, 2024 Episodes 12 & 13 Preview Revealed

New MasterChef August 28, 2024 Episodes 12 & 13 Preview Revealed

Hey, “MasterChef” fans. We’re back at you to let you know that another set of two, new episodes of MasterChef are hitting the air tonight, August 28, 2024 on the lovely FOX network. These will be episodes 12 and 13 of this current season 14, and we do have some new preview intel for them to run by you guys.

FOX was kind enough to give us an official press release for tonight’s new episodes 12 and 13. So, we’re going to dive right into it for this preview session. Let’s go.

First thing’s first. The official title for episode 12 is called, “Tag Team.” The official title for episode 13 is called, “Storm’s A Brewin.” In tonight’s new episode 12, you guys are going to see the remaining contestants get hit with a tag team challenge that requires them to work in pairs and switch back and forth during the cooking session.

In tonight’s new episode 13, the remaining contestants will get hit with a challenge that requires them to make a restaurant quality dish with the use of coffee as the main ingredient. We’ll also see judge/chef Gordon Ramsay do a demonstration for this challenge before it begins.

FOX’s official description for tonight’s new episodes 12 and 13 of MasterChef season 14 reads like this, “The twelve remaining chefs work in pairs and switch off cooking back-and-forth during the infamous tag team challenge.

Later on, the contestants are given only 45 minutes to prepare a restaurant quality dish that features coffee, and Chef Gordon Ramsay kicks off the challenge with a demonstration of his own espresso-infused dish in the all-new “Tag Team / Storm’s a Brewin'” two-part episode of MasterChef: Generations.”

Again, FOX’s press release confirmed that two more new episodes of MasterChef are hitting the air tonight, August 28, 2024 in the 7 pm central standard time slot.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “MasterChef” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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