MasterChef September 11 Episode Eliminated Adam, Murt & Rebecka (Recap)

MasterChef September 11 Episode Eliminated Adam, Murt & Rebecka (Recap)

Hey, “MasterChef” fans. Tonight, September 11, 2024, two, new episodes of MasterChef’s current season 14 hit he air with judges: Gordon Ramsay, Aarón Sánchez, and Joe Bastianich, and we found out who made it into next week’s finale episode after they both wrapped up.

The first episode kicked off with the remaining 6 contestants learning they had to do Ramsays’ Rooftop pop up restaurant takeover challenge. In it, they were split into two teams of three and cooked dinner for the restaurants’ VIP guest list. Everyone from the winning team would be safe. Someone from the losing team got eliminated.

Gordon selected the teams. He put Murt, Michael and Rebecka on the red team and made Murt the captain of it. He put Becca, Adam and Kamay on the blue team and made Becca the captain of it. The menu for this challenge consisted of two appetizer dishes and two entrees.

The first appetizer was a Pan-Roasted Scallops with Cauliflower Puree, Romanesco Florets and Citrus Vinaigrette dish. The second appetizer was a Sautéed Lobster Tail with Lobster Bisque and Chive Oil dish.

The first entree was a Pan-Roasted Duck with Sautéed Beet Tops, Roasted Golden Beets, Pickled Black Currants and Hazelnut Vinaigrette dish. The second entree was a New York Strip with Sauteed Spinach, Artichoke Puree, Braised Fennel and Black Garlic Jus dish. Gordon showed them how to make these dishes before the challenge began.

Becca told Kamay to handle the lobsters, and for Adam to cook the scallops. At one point, Gordon called out the blue team for burnt scallops. Adam said he needs to get the hang of cooking the scallops. “This kitchen is the most intense one I’ve ever been in,” he said. The blue team fell behind at first.

At one point, Rebecka ran into issues with serving up raw lobsters. Murt complained about it to her and the private cams. Becca complained that Kamay kept serving raw lobster as well. The Blue team ran out of scallops due to too many mistakes that were made with them. They were doing so bad that Gordon threatened to shut them down at one point.

At this point, both the teams regrouped and started doing a much better job, but more mistakes did creep up. Michael said Murt wasn’t doing a good job as captain for the red team, and he felt like he needed to take over.

Gordon found some raw steak from the blue team. Adam admitted to it. He also messed up on the fennel. Murt plated some dishes wrong and got called out for it. Gordon found another mistake from Murt and told him to take his captain badge off. Michael took over the captain spot from Murt for the red team. Gordon expressed that he was happy with the way Michael performed as captain.

The Blue team got a raw duck sent back to them from one of the customers. Kamay was to blame for it. Gordon told the Red team that they had a strong finish. Gordon told the blue team that he was disappointed in their performance. They undercooked too much meat. “It was a disaster,” Gordon said.

After all of that, it was revealed that the red team won this challenge. So, Murt, Rebecka and Michael were all safe from elimination. Unfortunately, one of the members of the losing blue team had to get eliminated, and the judges decided that unlucky person was Adam. Gordon told Adam, “You struggled. You were completely out of your depth here.” Adam told the private cams, “It was definitely sad, but I learned a lot here. I’ll take those lessons way beyond MasterChef.”

In the second episode, the remaining 5 contestants learned that they were getting hit with two challenges, and that one person would get eliminated after each of them. The first challenge was another mystery box. It contained an incomplete review of a restaurant dish, and they had to make a dish from that review. They were given 45 minutes to do it.

During this challenge, Kamay told Gordon she was making a chicken thighs with sweet and spicy sauce dish. Becca told Aaron and Joe she’s making a smoked rubbed rib eye dish. Michael told Joe and Aaron she’s making a pan seared bass dish. Murt told Gordon he’s making a chicken thigh dish. Rebecka told Gordon he’s making a smoked pork loin dish.

After the 45 minutes was up, Becca told the private cams that she doesn’t think her dish is semi-final worthy. Murt said he doesn’t know if his dish make sense.

Kamay presented a smoked turmeric garlic chicken dish to the judges. Gordon said, “It looks beautiful. The chicken is delicious. Really good indeed.” Aaron said, “You really nailed it.” Joe said, “Your dish is perfect.”

Murt presented a smokey salt chicken thigh dish. Gordon said, “It doesn’t look cohesive. The chicken thigh is cooked beautifully.” Other than that, it looks confusing.” Aaron said, “This dish has some big mistakes.” Joe said, “Some things are solid, but it’s missing half the task.”

Rebecka presented a smoked pork loin dish. Gordon said, “The pork has a nice smokey flavor. Good job.” Aaron said, “It’s a beautiful dish.” Joe said, “You hit all the elements. It’s a really good dish.”

Michael presented a smoked striped sea bass dish. Gordon said, “The sea bass is delicious.” Aaron said, “The sauce is truly delicious.” Joe said, “It’s a good dish.”

Becca presented a smoked seared ribeye dish. Aaron said, “It looks odd.” Gordon said, “The ribeye has a great sear. The dressing doesn’t make sense.” Aaron said, “The butter orzo is wrong.” Joe said, “You have a lack of reference for a restaurant quality cuisine.”

After all of that, the judges decided that Kmay, Michael and Rebecka had the top three dishes and were safe. They decided that Becca and Murt had the bottom two dishes with Murt being the worst. So, Murt was eliminated. Gordon told Murt, “Your dish missed the mark tonight, but you’ve grown into a substantial chef.” Murt told the private cams, “I’ve learned a lot about myself here. I had a good time. I outperformed what I thought I could do. I’m excited for what the future holds.”

In the second challenge, the remaining 4 contestants learned they had to do the “Keeping up with Gordon” challenge. During it, they had to make a dish just like Gordon at the same exact pace as him. They only had an additional 30 seconds to finish their dishes once Gordon was done. They made a Pan-Seared Salmon with Truffle Gnocchi, Asparagus, Fennel & Pernod Beurre Blanc and Crispy Leeks & Seaweed dish for this challenge.

During the challenge, Becca, Michael and Rebecka ran into issues with flambeing their salmon instead of their sauce. Rebecka also accidentally poured cream into her salmon instead of her sauce.

After the challenge was over, Kamay presented her dish first. Gordon said, “Visually, it looks great. The salmon taste great.” Aaron said, “I liked the char on the asparagus.” Joe said, “It’s a great dish.”

Becca presented her dish. Gordon said, “The salmon is cooked beautifully.” Joe said, “It’s a pretty good dish.” Aaron said, “I enjoyed it.”

Michael presented his dish. Gordon said, “The salmon is overcooked. The sauce is really good.” Aaron said, “This is a good sauce and gnocchi.” Joe said, “This dish has some redeeming qualities to it. Sadly, you double flambeed.”

Rebecka presented her dish. Gordon said, “The salmon is cooked beautifully.” Aaron said, “The sauce is broken.” Joe said, “The sauce is technically a salad dressing, and that’s a problem. The salmon is cooked well.”

After all of that, the judges decided that Kamay, Becca and Michael were all safe and through to the finals. That means Rebecka was eliminated. Gordon told Rebecka, “The salmon was cooked beautifully, but your dish was incomplete.” Rebecka told the private cams, “I’m leaving here so proud and thankful. This experience has fulfilled me. I feel like I’ve just touched the surface of what it means to be an excellent cook.”

Alright, guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “MasterChef” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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