New General Hospital September 11 Spoilers Reveal Questionable Motives & More

New General Hospital September 11 Spoilers Reveal Questionable Motives & More

Hey, “General Hospital” fans. It’s that time again. We’ve got some more new, General Hospital spoiler scoops to dish out to you right now. In this spoiler session, we’ve got another new flurry of storyline scoops for tomorrow’s new, September 11, 2024 edition.

Thanks to ABC, we’ve got five, new, official teaser spoilers for the September 11, 2024 episode. So, we will certainly take a look at those right now. Let’s get to it.

It sounds like tomorrow’s new, Wednesday, September 11, 2024 episode will deliver some very intense, dramatic, interesting and possible emotional scenes as confidential info is revealed. Ric’s motives get questioned. Answers are sought out and more.

The first spoiler scoop lets us know that Ava will be pretty happy in this episode as she will end up catching a break of some sort. ABC’s official description for Ava’s new stroke of good luck tells us, “Ava catches a break.”

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Liz will meet up with Willow at some point to engage in a conversation. During it, Liz will spill some confidential information. ABC’s description for Liz’s spill of confidential information reads like this, “Liz confides in Willow.”

The 3rd spoiler teaser lets us know that Molly will have what sounds like a pretty intense conversation with Rick at some point as she will call into question Ric’s true intentions. ABC’s description for Molly calling out Ric’s real motives reads like this, “Molly questions Ric’s motives.”

The 4th spoiler scoop reveals that Anna and Jordan will be pretty busy in this installment as they will spend most of their time, trying to track down some answers to some questions. ABC’s description for Anna and Jordan’s answer-seeking activities reads like this, “Anna and Jordan seek answers.”

The 5th and final teaser description for tomorrow’s new, September 11, 2024 edition lets us know that Brennan will get together with Carly at some point to give Carly some instructions or information. ABC’s description for Brennan and Carly’s briefing session reads like this,”Brennan briefs Carly.”

Alright, guys. That’s all the official teaser scoops we could round up for tomorrow’s new, September 11, 2024 episode of General Hospital, but certainly expect to see at least a few other scenes to come out of the woodworks in this one-hour series.

General Hospital usually airs every Monday through Friday at approximately 1 pm central standard time on ABC.

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