New Bold And The Beautiful September 20 Spoilers Reveal New Finn Office Scenario & More

New Bold And The Beautiful September 20 Spoilers Reveal New Finn Office Scenario & More

Hey, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We’re back in your faces with another new spoiler session for the Bold And the Beautiful, but this won’t just be any spoiler session because another week is going to wrap up tomorrow afternoon, September 20, 2024. So, we’re going to tell you as much as we can about this week-ending episode.

CBS only dished up one, official teaser scoop for the September 20, 2024 edition. So, we’re not going to have a lot to tell you about this episode. Anyways, let’s get into it.

It sounds like tomorrow’s new, Friday, September 20, 2024 episode will feature some possible interesting, intense and dramatic scenes that revolve around a situation that will take place at Finn’s office.

Yep in tomorrow’s new, September 20, 2024 edition, we’re going to see a blast from the past show up to see Finn in his office. CBS is telling us that Captain Deuce Stevens played by Tom Arnold and lab tech April played by Jamison Belushi will make a special return to handle some unknown business with Finn at some point. We’re also hearing that Finn’s adoptive mother Li will appear at some point too and have an interaction with Captain Deuce Stevens and April.

Some of you guys might recall that Captain Deuce Steven was last seen blocking Steffy from catching a flight to Monte Carlo due to her losing her passport.

CBS’ official description for tomorrow’s new, September 20, 2024 episode of the Bold And The Beautiful reads like this, “Captain Deuce Stevens has a run-in with April during an office visit with Finn.”

Alright, guys. That is all the official teaser spoilers we could dig up from CBS for tomorrow’s new, September 20, 2024 edition of The Bold And The Beautiful, but certainly expect to see at least a couple of other scenes pop up that were not mentioned in this spoiler session, especially since this one is a week-ending episode and the fact that CBS only gave up one teaser description for it.

The “Bold And The Beautiful” usually airs every Monday through Friday, starting at approximately 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS and Paramount+.

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