New Antiques Roadshow January 20 Episode 3 Preview Reveals Old Race Trophy & More
Hey, “Antiques Roadshow” fans. We’re on here to give you guys a new preview session for one of your favorite PBS shows. In this one, we’re going to give you guys a brief idea of what you can expect to see from the next, new episode 3 of this current season 29, which is currently scheduled to show up tonight, January 20, 2025.
PBS put out an official press release for tonight’s new episode 3. So, we will certainly reveal everything it has to say in this preview session. Let’s get to it.
For starters, there is an official title attached to this new episode 3. It’s called, “Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art Hour 3.”
In tonight’s new episode 3, you guys are going to see a total of 4,new appraisals take place. The first person we have on our list will be looking to get an old Queen’s Cup ascot race trophy from way back in 1857 appraised to find out its value.
The second person will show up with a 1956 Curta calculator type II. It looks like the third person will actually show up with two items. These items are an art deco sapphire and a platinum ring.
PBS’ official description for tonight’s new episode 3 of Antiques Roadshow season 29 reads like this, “An 1857 Queen’s Cup ascot race trophy. A 1956 Curta calculator type II. An art deco sapphire and platinum ring.”
Again, PBS’ press release confirmed that another new episode of Antiques Roadshow’s current season 29 is indeed scheduled to make its way to the air tonight, January 20, 2025 in the 7 pm central standard time slot. It will be a one-hour event. So, expect it to wrap up at 8 pm central standard time.
Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Antiques Roadshow” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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