New Contraband Seized At Airport January 20 Episode Preview Reveals Shadyness & More

New Contraband Seized At Airport January 20 Episode Preview Reveals Shadyness & More

Hey, “Contraband: Seized At The Airport” fans. We’re on here with a new preview session for you guys. In this one, we’re going to give you an idea of what to expect from the next, new episode 9 of this current season 1, which is due out tonight, January 20, 2025.

The Discovery Channel put out an official press release for this new episode 9. So, we will certainly reference it for this preview session. Let’s get to it.

For starters, we’ve got an official title for this new episode 9. It’s called, “Catch ‘Em All.” In this new episode 9, you guys are going to see an alert to a suitcase from Ethiopia take place at some point.

Elsewhere, a passenger will be seen, doing some very suspicious-looking activities by a plain-clothes officer. Last, but most certainly not least, A Japanese woman will end up, claiming that the officers assumed she was a hooker!

The Discover Channel’s official description for this new episode 9 of Contraband: Seized at the Airport’s current season 1 reads like this, “An agriculture dog alerts to a suitcase coming from Ethiopia, and inspection reveals a tough hide. A plain-clothes officer in baggage claim finds a passenger acting suspiciously. A woman from Japan accuses officers of assuming she’s a prostitute.”

Again, the Discovery Channel’s press release confirmed that another new episode of Contraband: Seized at the Airport is indeed scheduled to hit your TV screens tonight, January 20, 2025 in the 8 pm central standard time slot.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Contraband: Seized at the Airport” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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