New Chopped January 21 Episode 3 Preview Reveals An Unusual Protein And More

New Chopped January 21 Episode 3 Preview Reveals An Unusual Protein And More

Hey, “Chopped” fans. We’re on here to give you guys a new preview session. In this one, we’re going to go over what you can expect to see in the next, new episode 3 of this current season 61, which is due out tonight, January 21, 2025.

The Food Network put out an official press release for this new episode 3. So, we will certainly reference it for this preview session. Let’s get to it.

For starters, there is an official title for this new episode 3. It’s called, “Name Your Price: Battle Three!”

In tonight’s new episode 3, you guys are going to see the contestants get a total of three items in each of their baskets. They will have to bid in a live auction for the fourth item. During the entree round, an unusual protein will get introduced, and it must be pretty damn good as it will get some really high bids from a couple of the contestants.

The Food Network’s official description for tonight’s new episode 3 of Chopped season 61 reads like this, “The chefs get only three items in each basket and must bid in a live auction for a fourth ingredient. The entrée round auction includes an unusual protein that gets big bids from more than one chef.”

Again, the Food Network’s press release confirmed that another new episode of Chopped’s current season 61 is indeed scheduled to hit your TV screens tonight, January 21, 2025 in the 7 pm central standard time slot.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Chopped” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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