New First 48 January 23 Episode 5 Preview Reveals Front Porch Murder Scandal & More

New First 48 January 23 Episode 5 Preview Reveals Front Porch Murder Scandal & More

Hey, “The First 48” fans. We’re on here with a new preview session for you guys. In this one, we’re going to give you a little bit of info for what’s coming up in the next, new episode 5 of this current season 27, which is due to hit the air tonight, January 23, 2025.

A&E put out an official press release for tonight’s new episode 5. So, we will certainly pull it up for this preview session. Let’s get to it.

For starters, A&E let us know that their is an official title attached to this new episode 5. It’s called, “Tangled Web.”

In tonight’s new episode 5, The First 48 team will take a deep look at a story about a mobile homeowner who reported to the police that he was robbed of $9,000 dollars. Then, just 30 minutes after that report was given, a local father of three kids turned up murdered on that same mobile homeowner’s front porch!

A&E’s official description for tonight’s new episode 5 of The First 48 season 27 reads like this, “A Mobile homeowner reports a theft of $9,000 to the police, and just thirty minutes later, a local father of three is mysteriously killed on their front porch.”

Again, A&E’s press release confirmed that another new episode of The First 48’s current season 27 is indeed scheduled to hit the air tonight, January 23, 2025 in the 7 pm central standard time slot. It will be a one-hour event. So, expect it to wrap up at 8 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is all we’ve got for this latest, “The First 48” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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