General Hospital February 4 Episode Features A Startling Claim From Drew And More
Hey,”General Hospital” fans. It’s time for us to hit you with some more new spoiler scoops for tomorrow’s new, February 4, 2025 edition of General Hospital.
We were able to rack up five, new, official teaser scoops for the February 4, 2025 episode via the ABC people. So, let’s dig into those right now.
For starters, tomorrow’s new, Tuesday, February 4, 2025 episode is going to serve up some new scenes tat feature Lucky, Felicia, Sasha, Carly and more in action.
The first spoiler teaser lets us know that Lucky will be in action with Liz. These two are going to talk, and we’ll see Lucky open up about a few things during their conversation. ABC’s description for Lucky and Liz’ candid conversation tells us, “Lucky opens up to Liz.”
The second spoiler scoop reveals that Felicia will serve up an interesting-sounding moment as she will put Sasha on the spot at some point. ABC’s description for Sasha getting put on the spot reads like this, “Felicia puts Sasha on the spot.”
The 3rd spoiler teaser lets us know that Carly will do something that sounds pretty important as she will stumble upon some sort of discovery. ABC’s description for Carly making a discovery scenario reads like this, “Carly makes a discovery.”
The 4th teaser scoop reveals that we’ll see Jordan in action in at least one of the scenes. In this moment, she will let Isaiah know what she’s got cooked up next. ABC’s description for Jordan spilling her plans to Isaiah reads like this, “Jordan reveals her plan to Isaiah.”
The 5th and final teaser spoiler for tomorrow’s new, February 4, 2025 episode lets us know that Drew will get some new screentime at some point. In this particular moment, Drew will make a claim that is quite shocking!
ABC’s description for Drew’s startling claim storyline reads like this, “Drew makes a shocking claim.”
Alright, guys. That is all the official spoiler scoops we could round up from ABC for tomorrow’s new, February 4, 2025 edition of General Hospital, but certainly expect to see at least a couple of other scenes get shown that were not mentioned here.
General Hospital usually airs every Monday through Friday at approximately 1 pm central standard time on ABC.
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