Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Power Of Veto Winner Revealed For June 28, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We hope you guys are having an excellent Friday. We are, of course, back at you again for another major report from the Big Brother season 21 house. According to Big Brother Network and the LIVE feeds, the first Power Of Veto competition of this season took place yesterday afternoon, June 27, 2019. It lasted for 7 long hours.
Before we tell you guys who won,let’s do a brief recap of the week so far. Christie won the HOH comp to claim the first HOH. After that, she nominated Kathryn and Cliff for eviction. However, it’s been revealed that Kathryn and Cliff are just pawns for a much bigger and more cruel back door plan for Kemi.
As for the first Power Of Veto competition, Jack, Nicole and Sam were picked to play in it. So, they played with Christie and her nominees Cliff and Kathryn. Tommy hosted the comp. There were no details on what the competition was. So, we’ll have to wait and see.
After everything was said and done, it was Sam who reportedly emerged as the winner. So, Sam is our first Power Of Veto winner of the season. Will he use it or not? Judging by what we’ve learned so far, it’s very possible that he will because this backdoor Kemi plan is apparently in play.
Let’s take a look at some of the conversations that went on last night and into the early morning hours of today to see if that plan is still active.
At around 5:05 pm, Jackson promised a very paranoid Kathryn that Sam definitely wants to get Kemi out of here. Kathryn told Jackson, “I’m worried Sam will use the veto on Cliff instead of me.” Jackson told her, “You’d still be safe.”
Sam was seen telling Jack and Nick, “I will use the veto, but I’d rather use it on Cliff.” Jackson was seen telling Isabella that Cliff is most likely the one that will get taken off the block.
At one point, Jackson joked that Kaycee got to stay in the house longer than David. Apparently, Kaycee returned to host the veto comp. Something about Jackson really rubs me the wrong way, especially since he played a big part in David leaving.
Anyways, Kathryn continued to be super paranoid, telling Jessica, “I have a feeling I might be blindsided instead of Kemi. Isabella and Kemi are still close.”
Analyse and Holly talked about how Ovi is starting to irritate them. They think he’s trying to get airtime by doing things that are over the top.
At around 8:05 pm, Jackson was seen saying that he wants to work on getting Jessica out after they get rid of Kemi.
At around 8:10 pm, Christie was seen saying to Jackson that she feels confident Kathryn will be safe this week. Jackson agreed with her. Jackson also felt the need to tell Christie he would never be with Kathryn in the real world, but he agreed that he is more interested in Holly or Analyse.
At around 8:15 pm , Nick was seen saying that he would nominate Ovi and Kat if he wins HOH next week, and that Ovi would be his target.
At around 8:25 pm, Jessica and Nicole were wondering why Kemi is Christie’s backdoor target. They don’t think she did anything to deserve it, and they think it’s going to look racist having both African Americans evicted first. They also mentioned that Kemi likes Christie. So, it’s going to be very heartbreaking. Wow!
Jessica also mentioned that she wants to say something to Kemi about the big backdoor plan. However, she doesn’t want to make any sudden moves.
At around 8:50 pm, Sam and Cliff had a pretty interesting conversation. Sam told Cliff that he is definitely taking somebody off the block. Cliff said, “I would like for you to use the veto on me, but I’m not going to beg you for it.” Cliff went on to say, “I’ve been distancing myself from Ovi since Ovi has been rubbing people the wrong way.”
At around 9:05 pm, Sam was seen telling Cliff, “Act shocked when I remove you from the block with the veto.”
At around 10:40 pm, Analyse told Christie. “Isabella wants to give Kemi a sympathy vote.” Christie said, “That’s a bad sign from Isabella.”
At around 12:05 am today,June 28, 2019, Christie was seen telling Tommy, “It might be a bad idea to go after Kemi. She hasn’t done anything to me. This move might be to benefit Jackson instead of me.” Tommy told Christie, “You shouldn’t rock the boat.”
Alright guys. Judging from all of that, it does appear that this backdoor Kemi plan is still very active, but anything can change at anytime. So, we’ll keep a close watch to see if anything changes. Christie was already starting to have second thoughts about it. So, it could get interesting.
How do you guys feel about Sam winning the first Power Of Veto and planning to take Cliff off the block so Kemi can get backdoored? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
The Power Of Veto Ceremony is scheduled to take place on either Sunday or Monday. So, be on the lookout for our report on that. We might see some early drama this season if the Kemi backdoor plan actually happens.
The next Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air this Sunday night, June 30,2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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