Big Brother 21 Spoilers: ‘Power Of Veto’ Ceremony Results Revealed For July 8, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We are back at you with another important season 21 update from inside the house. Earlier today, July 8, 2019, the “Power Of Veto” Ceremony did indeed take place.
Before we give you guys the results of that, let’s do a brief recap of this week to catch everyone up to speed.
This week started off after last Wednesday night’s LIVE eviction episode. A new twist was revealed called, “Camp Comeback.” It brought the newly evicted Ovi and the first evicted David back into the house, but not in the game. Not just yet.
It was revealed that after the first, four houseguests get evicted, they will battle to get back into the game. In the meantime, they can only mingle with the non-evicted houseguests, but they cannot compete in any of the competitions or do any voting.
Shortly after the big “Camp Comeback” twist was revealed, Jack won the HOH (Head Of Household) competition to claim the new HOH crown for this week. Then finally on Friday afternoon, July 5,2019, he named his eviction nominees at the nomination ceremony. They turned out to be Kemi and Jessica.
After that, the POV (Power Of Veto) competition took place on Saturday afternoon, July 6, 2017. After everything was all said and done, it was Sam who ,once again, emerged the winner of the POV for a second, straight consecutive week.
Then some serious and not so serious conversations took place all day yesterday, July 7, 2019, and that brings us to today’s “Power Of Veto” ceremony. It was Sam’s time to shine, once again, by revealing if he would use the POV.
After everything was all said and done, it was revealed that Sam decided not to use the POV to take anyone off the block.
That means the current eviction nominees Kemi and Jessica are the final, set-in-stone, nominees this week. One of them will get voted out of the game during this Thursday night’s LIVE eviction episode to join David and Ovi in “Camp Comeback.”
According to Big Brother Network and the Live Feeds, Kemi has been doing a strong job of campaigning for herself.
She tried to talk Sam into using the veto on her last night with some very good arguments about how it would benefit his game. However, at the end of the day, Sam was worried that making such a big move would definitely hurt his game.
It’s also reported that Jessica has been in freak-out mode, which bodes well for Kemi. But Kemi is still the one Jack wants to evict this week. So, it seems like she could still be in big, Big, trouble.
On the other hand, there is still three days left until eviction night,which is an eternity in the Big Brother house. So, anything can certainly happen.
How do you guys feel about Sam not using the POV and allowing Kemi and Jessica to remain on the block as the final eviction nominees? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Some pretty interesting conversations took place on the LIVE feeds after the POV ceremony. At around 12:12 pm pacific time today, July 8, 2019, Isabella was seen telling Jackson, “Kemi has told Jack that she wouldn’t put Jack up if she won HOH, but she couldn’t promise your safety too.”
At around 1:05 pm ,Kemi expressed to Isabella, “I’m upset that you told Jackson everything I told you about our conversation. Now, it looks like I broke his trust by not keeping the conversation between us.” At around 1:28 pm, Kemi told Jack, “I won’t put you up if I stay and end up winning HOH.”
That was pretty much it for the important conversations so far today. You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
The next, new episode of Big Brother season 21 is scheduled to air this Wednesday night, July 10, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. We expect to see the Power Of Veto competition footage in this one as well as the Power Of Veto ceremony.
And, of course, they will also show some of the conversations that took place. So, if you want to see how that good stuff played out, you’ll certainly want to tune in for that one.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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