New Homestead Rescue January 26 Episode 12 Preview Reveals Sheep Barn Build & More

New Homestead Rescue January 26 Episode 12 Preview Reveals Sheep Barn Build & More

Hey, “Homestead Rescue” fans. We’re back in your faces with another new preview session. In this one, we’ve got some new details on a couple of scenarios that will appear in the next, new episode 12 of this current season 12 of Homestead Rescue, which is due to air tonight, January 26, 2025.

We were able to get a hold of an official press release for this new episode 12 straight from the Discovery Channel people. So, we will certainly see what it has to say for this preview session. Let’s get into it.

For starters, this new episode 12 does have an official title attached to it. It’s called, “Raney Returns: Paradise Lost Again.”

In tonight’s new episode 12, you guys are going to see Marty Raney make a return to the Nash homestead on Kauai. While there, he will be seen, building a sheep barn and doing some work with the beekeeping. Also, someone very unexpected will show up on the scene to lend a helping hand with the garden work.

The Discovery Channel’s official description for this new episode 12 of Homestead Rescue season 12 reads like this, “Marty Raney returns to the Nash homestead on Kauai. He builds a sheep barn and works on beekeeping. An unexpected person helps with the garden.”

Again, the Discovery Channel’s press release confirmed that another new episode of Homestead Rescue’s current season 12 is indeed scheduled to hit your TV screens tonight, January 26, 2025 in the 7 pm central standard time slot. It will be a 2-hour event. So, expect it to wrap up at 9 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Homestead Rescue” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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