Big Brother Season 20 Swaggy C Did A Major Switch Up After Being Devastated Yesterday July 9, 2018

Big Brother Season 20 Swaggy C Did A Major Switch Up After Being Devastated Yesterday July 9, 2018

Hey, fellow Big Brother fans. Happy Tuesday. We’ve got a lot of new stuff to tell you guys today in regards to what has gone down in the Big Brother season 20 house since the reigning HOH Kaitlyn threw Swaggy C on the chopping block for a major backdoor play at the POV ceremony.

As previously reported, the reigning POV winner Tyler used his POV to take Scottie off the chopping block. Then Kaitlyn replaced Scottie with Swaggy C. So now, Swaggy C is on the chopping block with Winston.

This gives Swaggy an inkling of a shot to stay this Thursday night. If he was up there against Scottie, it would be a definite guarantee for Swaggy to go. Also, something really surprising happened yesterday after Swaggy C got thrown on the chopping block. We didn’t get the angry fireworks show that we thought we’d get from Swaggy. In fact, it was very much the opposite.

Swaggy went from flashy and cocky to quite down and humble. He actually had two different conversations with Kaitlyn to appeal to her emotional side. As we previously reported, the first conversation Swaggy had with Kaitlyn went quite well. When it was done, Kaitlyn actually uttered the words, “I he can’t go” to Tyler.

Unfortunately, Tyler did talk her down by saying that he doesn’t trust the people that Swaggy C claims he’s working with: Faysal, Bayleigh, Haleigh and Angie. Tyler pointed out to Kaitlyn that Angie and Haleigh tried to keep Swaggy from talking to her all week, and he thought that was shady. Kaitlyn appeared to agree. But again, this was just the first conversation.

Later on in the evening at around 7 pm pacific standard time, July 9, 2018, Swaggy was seen talking to Kaitlyn again. This time, he pretty much gave her more of the same pitch. He swore to her on his dead father that she or Tyler would not be his target if they helped him stay. He also tried to sell the point if she keeps him, she knows where he stands in the game, and that she doesn’t know what Winston might do if he wins HOH. Swaggy told her, “Winston could do anything. He might put up Faysal or anything. You don’t know.”

That was a very important selling point because Faysal is one of Kaitlyn’s main allies in the house. Also, this wasn’t just some short conversation. It must have lasted at least an hour or so. I mean Swaggy is really putting in some work here.

But probably one of the most important conversations Swaggy had last night was with Sam. Not only is Sam one of those stray votes that could possibly save him this week, Sam also has that special power app power that could give Swaggy a chance to compete for another shot to get back in the game if he were to get voted out this Thursday night.

Swaggy and Sam’s conversation actually took place early this morning, July 10, 2018 at around 12:50 am, Swaggy expressed to Sam why he approached the game with Swaggy C cocky persona, and that now he wants everyone to get to know who he really is. He wants everyone to get to know Christopher. He told Sam about his past and why he came up with the Swaggy C name. He said something along the lines of experiencing a lot of negativity in the area that he grew up in, and he wanted to come up with a persona that was more positive and things like that.

Sam then told him that she was glad that he’s finally opening up to her because she found him very unapproachable for the first week and half. She also gave him advice about being more personable with people and using less game talk. She told him to just forget about what has happened since he arrived in the house and totally start over. “Re-introduce yourself as Christopher and just completely open up to people.” She told him that he can still find a way to fit his game talk somewhere in the conversation, but there needs to be a balance.

Swaggy C was very humble with Sam and appeared to take in all her advice. He asked her questions about what she would do in particular game situations, and told her he needs to adopt more of her mindset. Sam told him, “They call Big Brother a game, but it’s not really a game.” She asked , “What game do you know that has 16 players and only one winner?” Swaggy couldn’t come up with an answer for that. Sam said Big Brother doesn’t have any clear set rules other than the competitions.

Sam also told Swaggy,”You can’t treat people as commodities. They’re people with feelings.”Swaggy agreed, and again he was just very humble with Sam, appearing to really try to take her advice. He also asked her if she would teach him how to cook certain foods are something. She ,of course, agreed. So, it looks like they’re going to hang out more.

Also in general, Swaggy was seen hanging out more with the rest of the house instead of always hanging with Bayleigh which is what he should’ve been doing at the start of the game.Towards the end of Swaggy and Sam’s conversation, they were joking and laughing with each other. It seemed genuine. This conversation also lasted a really long time. It lasted at least an hour and a half or so.

Again, this new relationship that Swaggy is forming with Sam, could prove to be very important because she does have that special power app power. We’ll just have to wait and see how things play out the rest of this week. We’re sure Swaggy is going to continue to talk more with Kaitlyn these last couple of days, and continue to work Sam.

Swaggy is finally doing the right things, but it is still quite likely it could be too late for him to round up the votes he needs to stay. But again, if he plays his cards right with Sam, he might not need the votes should Sam decide to use that special power on him. This is going to be an interesting week. We’ll keep you guys updated on any major events. As always, You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.

Update: Sam was seen having a conversation with Tyler today, July 10, 2018. She told Tyler that she definitely would not use her special power app power to save Swaggy. However, she did go to bat for Swaggy, saying Swaggy would be easier to work with over Winston and so on and so forth. She was definitely trying to push for Swaggy to stay over Winston. So, we’ll see what happens these next couple of days.

A new episode of Big Brother season 20 is scheduled to air tomorrow night, July 11, 2018 at 8pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

Andre Braddox
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