New ‘Penny Dreadful City Of Angels’ Spoilers For Season 1, June 21, 2020 Episode 9 Revealed

New ‘Penny Dreadful City Of Angels’ Spoilers For Season 1, June 21, 2020 Episode 9 Revealed

Hey, “Penny Dreadful: City Of Angels” fans. We are back at you, this week, with a new spoiler session article.

That’s right, guys. We’re going to go over a few scenarios that will indeed be playing out in the next, new episode 9, which is due to hit the airwaves next Sunday night, June 21,2020.

The terrific people over at Showtime came through for us by providing a couple of official teaser descriptions for episode 9. So, we are certainly going to use those as a source for this spoiler session. Let’s get started.

First off, we’ve learned that the producers have titled episode 9, “Sing, Sing, Sing.” Ugh, I hope that doesn’t mean it’s a musical.

Anyways, it sounds like episode 9 will feature some very interesting, intense, dramatic,lively, and possible action-filled scenes as Tiago and Lewis make bold decisions while in danger! Townsend reaches the end of his rope! Peter takes a trip to the movies. Lewis watches over a prison transfer. Tiago and Molly confront the Vega family and more!

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Tiago and Lewis situation. It turns out that Tiago and Lewis will have some major moments in this episode. At some point, they will be in danger and forced to have to make very bold decisions on the fly!

Showtime’s official description for this Tiago and Lewis storyline reads like this, “In danger, Tiago and Lewis must make bold decisions.”

What will these bold decisions turn out to be? That’s a big question we’ll be looking to see get answered out in this episode.

Some other things we’re hearing about Tiago and Lewis is that they will rush to save Brian from the Nazis in episode 10. So, get ready to see a lot of action from Tiago and Lewis as this first season comes to a close over the next two episodes.

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Townsend will have a very important moment in this episode. At some point, Townsend will reach the end of his rope. In light of this, he’ll be forced to pull out one last trick.

Showtime’s description for this Townsend plotline reads like this, “With Townsend at the end of his rope, he’s forced to turn to a last resort.”

What will be Townsend’s one last resort? That is a big question for this particular storyline. Here’s what we do know about Townsend. We’re officially hearing that he will end up celebrating a very sudden rise in political fortunes in episode 10. So, definitely look for Townsend to be on the come-up as this first season comes to an end.

The 3rd spoiler scoop reveals that Peter will be in a movie-going mood thanks to Elsa. At some point, Peter will just up and decide to take Tom, Trevor and Frank to the movies due to something Elsa did.

Showtime’s description for this Elsa, Peter, Tom ,Trevor and Frank scenario reads like this, “Spurred by Elsa, Peter decides to take Tom, Trevor and Frank to the movies.”

Here’s what else we’re hearing about Peter and company. Things aren’t going to go so well for them in episode 10. Peter, Elsa and the boys will end up getting trapped in their car due to some riots that break out. So, look for things to get very intense for them as this season wraps up.

The 4th spoiler scoop reveals that Lewis will be up to some very serious-sounding activities in this episode. We will see him making sure a prison transfer of Diego Lopez takes place as planned.

Showtime’s description for this Lewis and Diego Lopez situation reads like this, “Lewis oversees the prison transfer of Diego Lopez.”

Will Lewis successfully oversee this prison transfer? Or will something go awry? Those are some big questions for this storyline. We’ll definitely have to wait and see. Whatever the case, it sounds like we could see some possible interesting scenes from this storyline.

The 5th and last teaser description lets us know Tiago and Molly will have some dancing fun mixed with some intense confrontation action in this episode.

You see, at some point, Molly and Tiago will go dancing up a storm at the Crimson Cat. While there, they will also get into some big confrontation with the rest of the Vega family!

Showtime’s description for this Tiago, Molly and Vega family scenarios read like this, “Tiago and Molly go dancing at the Crimson Cat where they confront the rest of the Vega family.”

Some other things we’re hearing about Tiago and Molly is that they will end up facing the reality of their relationship in episode 10. Also, Molly will get into another confrontation with Miss Adelaide. So, certainly expect to see some pretty heavy and intense scenes from Tiago and Molly over these last, two episodes.

Showtime’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 9 of “Penny Dreadful: City Of Angels” season 1 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, June 21, 2020 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Penny Dreadful: City Of Angels” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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