Big Brother August 10, 2023 Evicted Kirsten Elwin (Recap)
Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, August 10, 2023, another new episode of Big Brother’s current season 25 did indeed hit the air. This one was the LIVE eviction show. So, we did see an unlucky houseguest get sent packing at the end of it.
Tonight’s new episode kicked off with footage of what took place in the house after Hisam decided not to use the veto at the POV ceremony. Hisam mentioned to the private cams aka Diary room that an alliance of eight people exists. Kirsten told the private cams, “I did not come here to be the first person to go home.” Reilly told the private cams, “We’ve decided to send Kirsten home. So, that’s what’s going to happen.”
Felicia told the private cams, “I need to make sure I collect enough votes to stay.” America told the private cams, “The house decided Kirsten is going home this week. However, I’m starting to think it might be batter to keep Kirsten over Felicia.”
Hisam, Cirie, Felicia, Izzy, Bowie, Red and Mecole decided to form a 7-person alliance to take out Reilly’s side of the house which consists of: Cory, Matt, Luke, Jag, Cameron, America and Blue.
At this point, host Julie Chen-Moonves addressed what happened with houseguest Luke Valentine. He got kicked out of the house for saying the N word. Then, they showed the footage of when he said it. The houseguests were given a note by production that Luke was kicked out, and that the LIVE eviction will continue as planned. Jared told the private cams,”I don’t think Luke did what he did out of malice, and I hope he uses this as a learning experience.”
Next, we got footage Red telling Reilly that he’s observed her entire alliance and even named them all off to her. Reilly went back and told her alliance about it. She said, “Izzy will take out one of our alliance members if she wins HOH next week.” So, they started talking about possibly bringing Kirsten into their alliance and saving her over Felicia.
After all of that, the eviction nominees Kirsten and Felicia gave their final plea speeches. Then, the rest of the houseguests minus HOH Reilly casts their votes to evict.
Jag, Hisam, Izzy, Cameron, Matt, Blue, America, Mecole, Cirie, Bowie, Cory, Red and Jared all voted to evict Kirsten. No one voted to evict Felicia. So, by a unanimous vote of 13-0, Kirsten was evicted from the Big Brother season 25 house tonight.
Kirsten gave her exit interview with host Julie Chen-Moonves. During it, Kirsten told Julie, “I was pretty surprised by the vote because I had pretty good relationships with everyone inside the house. The problem was everyone wanted a unanimous vote. Some people told me I had their votes. That obviously was not the case. I feel most betrayed by Cirie.” Julie revealed to Kirsten that Cirie and Jared are mother and son. Then, they let Kirsten hear a couple of nice, goodbye messages from some of the houseguests.
They didn’t even try to start up a new HOH (Head Of Household) competition during the LIVE show. So, we’ll have to let you guys know who won the next HOH competition tomorrow some time. Be sure to follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates by Clicking Here.
How do you guys feel about Kirsten Elwin getting evicted in Big Brother season 25 tonight? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new Big Brother season 25 episode is scheduled to hit the air this Sunday night, August 13, 2023, starting at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright, guys. That’s going to be a wrap for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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