New Year’s Eve Movie Delivered OK Comedy,Drama,Celebrities & More

New Year’s Eve Movie Delivered OK Comedy,Drama,Celebrities & More

new year's eve movie poster image
New Year’s Eve movie delivered OK comedy,drama,celebrities & more. New Line Cinema dropped their new romantic,comedy flick “New Year’s Eve” in theaters this weekend. I just checked it out,and I thought it was pretty good. It delivered some pretty good laughs and drama. Most important of all, I never got bored,watching,so it definitely offered something.

The movie stars: Halle Berry, Jessica Biel, Jon Bon Jovi, Abigail Breslin, Chris “Ludacris” Bridges, Robert De Niro, Josh Duhamel, Zac Efron, Hector Elizondo, Katherine Heigl, Ashton Kutcher, Seth Meyers, Lea Michele, Sarah Jessica Parker, Michelle Pfeiffer, Til Schweiger, Hilary Swank,and Sofia Vergara.

The flick offered an assortment of situations that went down with all the celebrity-packed stars of the movie. A bike messenger named Paul (Zac Efron) helped an older chick named Ingrid (Michelle Pfeiffer) fulfill her New Year’s resolution list that featured well over 8 things,including a New Year’s kiss.

A guy named Randy (Ashton Kutcher) comforted a singer chick named Elise (Glee’s Leah Michelle) when she got stuck on an elevator,causing her to nearly miss the biggest singing gig of her career. A busy reporter lady named Claire Morgan (Hilary Swank) made her father’s death bed wish come true by ringing in the New Year with him.

A musical star named Jensen (Jon Bon Jovi) patched up a big mistake he made with his girlfriend. Two pregnant couples battled it out to try and give birth first to win a $25,000 prize. A teenage girl and her mother Kim (Sarah Jessica Parker) hashed out their issues,while both of them found romance.

The movie was filled with little dilemmas here and there,and they did a pretty good job of paying everyone of them the proper attention,giving great conclusions to all of them. It capped off with a lot of feel-good moments. It was a little bit cheesy at times,but overall,it was watchable. It wasn’t terrible. I thought Zac Efron did a pretty good job in it. He delieverd a lot of fun,interesting scenes. I gave the movie a solid B- grade. Follow us on Facebook by Clicking Here. Follow us on Twitter by Clicking Here.

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