Big Brother Season 20 Scottie Salton Said Some Pretty Bad Things About Faysal Shafaat

Recently, the folks over at Entertainment Weekly got to chat up the most recent Big Brother season 20 evictee Scottie Salton. And not surprisingly, he did not have very good things to say about fellow houseguest Faysal Shafaat.
We definitely can’t blame Scottie for his negative words since Faysal got him evicted when he was in his own freaking alliance! We still can’t believe that crazy stuff happened. But, what we can believe is that Faysal’s very stupid actions got both he and his main girl Haleigh thrown right up on the eviction shopping block no more than 24 hours after Scottie left the house this past Thursday night, August 23, 2018.
Getting back into what Scottie said about Faysal to Entertainment weekly. They asked Scottie who he thinks is playing the absolute worst game right now. Scottie wasted no time throwing Faysal’s name out there. He called him shady, a hypocrite, someone who’s unwilling to listen to reason and more.
Scottie stated, “This may be a personal vendetta, but Fess. He is a total shade monster. The guy is unwilling to listen to reason. He is a hypocrite. He is JC’s shield. There are so many reasons for people to target him right now. If he can make it to final 4, he has a decent shot, but I’d be surprised if he isn’t targeted before then.”
As most of us know by now, Scottie was totally right with that statement. Faysal is currently on the block with Haleigh, and he is the main target for the reigning HOH Angela and her l6 alliance.
Entertainment Weekly asked Scottie a few more questions about his experience in the Big Brother season 20 house. They asked him why he thinks Faysal nominated him. Scottie replied with, “It’s either A: he is an idiot, or B: he is in a secret alliance I don’t know about, and they wanted me out because they thought I was a wild card.”
Scottie told Entertainment Weekly that he actually never planned to try and get Haleigh out when he pitched her name to Faysal to be put on the block next to him. He knew Faysal would never do that. Scottie explained, “I never wanted Haleigh out. I knew Fess would never put her up. I was at the point where I didn’t want Haleigh to live with the baggage of Scottie.”
Scottie said his hardest moment in the house was seeing Haleigh cry, awww. He stated, “The hardest part was when I told Haleigh my plan to make us seem like enemies. In my head, it was a good idea ,and I thought she would be thankful. But the second I saw it in her face, she was like “you freaking idiot” and I saw one tear come out of her eye. That was the hardest moment.”
Scottie told them he would never change the flip vote he cast for Swaggy C. He thinks they had it out for him no matter what he did. Scottie explained, “Would I change it? No, I stand by what I did. Did it make me untrustworthy? Apparently. But, people even blame me for flipping the vote on Steve week 1 which is so stupid. So, they had it out for me from the beginning. They weren’t expecting someone to be as up front as I was.”
Scottie revealed that he thinks his biggest mistake he made was being so vocal about keeping Steve the first week. He stated when asked what’s the one thing he would change, “Keep my mouth shut about Steve a little more. Those first weeks, Steve and I were connected at the hip, and I would yell crap, and tell everyone I was voting to keep Steve. I told everyone I would take Steve off the block if I won veto, and none of that panned out. I couldn’t help myself from talking s— that first week.”
Scottie revealed that he’s very aware of JC’s strong social game and the things he’s getting away with. Entertainment Weekly asked Scottie, ” Who’s playing the best game right now?” Scottie said, “Right now, JC. I’m the only one who brought his name up at nominations. He knows everything and is always on the right side of the vote. He gets away with things socially that are shocking. I think he is playing the best game.”
That was last of the questions Scottie answered for Entertainment Weekly. As previously reported, Scottie does have a chance to return to the game with the big Jury Battle Back competition this Thursday night, August 30, 2018. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. I hope Scottie wins the Battle Back. Then tells Faysal, “I’ll take care of Haleigh for you” on the way back in. That would just be so amazing.
Everything else has already worked out perfectly. We wanted either Angela or Tyler to be the ones that nominated Faysal or Haleigh because Faysal thought he had a deal with those two. The “sting” wouldn’t have been as good if someone else from that L6 alliance won HOH. Then they made Faysal the main target, and he didn’t win the veto. Now, all we need is for Scottie to win the Battle Back. Let’s see if it happens. We know Scottie will fight hard for it. He was actually anticipating a possible Battle Back.
Alright guys. So, what did you think about what Scottie had to say about Faysal in this latest interview? Did you like it? Did you hate it? Or did you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
Another brand new episode of Big Brother Season 20 is scheduled to air tomorrow night, August 29, 2018 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. It’s going to feature the Power of Veto competition along with the Power Of Veto Ceremony footage. So, be sure to tune in to see that one. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.