Very Popular Big Brother Alum Couple Just Had Their Second Baby

Happy Friday Big Brother fans. Taking a bit of a break from the Big Brother season 20 news, we’ve got this new report that reveals some very popular, former Big Brother housguests have just had their second baby!
That’s right, guys. According to a recent report from the folks over at Entertainment Tonight, Big Brother alums Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd have brought a second life into this world.
For those of you who don’t know who Jeff and Jordan are. They both met each other when they competed for the very first time in Big Brother’s 11th season. Jordan actually ended up winning that season over fellow houseguest Natalie Martinez.
Two years later, Jeff and Jordan came back to compete on the 13th season of Big Brother as a popular duo. Jordan made it to the final four in that season. Since then , Jeff went on to do interview work for a couple of Big Brother seasons. Jeff and Jordan also competed on one of the Amazing Race seasons for CBS.
Anyways, they’re probably one of the most popular couples to result from Big Brother. Getting back to the baby stuff, Jeff and Jordan have recently given birth to a new baby boy yesterday, September 6, 2018. Jeff hit up his official Instagram account to report the news.
He revealed that the baby’s name is Layton Sarti Schroeder and more stating, “Welcome to the world Layton Sarti Schroeder 8lbs 7oz – 20.5 inches. Lawson is gonna be the best Big Brother!” That post was accompanied by a photo of Jeff and Jordan sitting on her hospital bed. Jordan is holding her new baby in the photo with a huge grin on her face. You guys can view that post on Jeff’s official Instagram account by Clicking Here.
Jordan also hopped on her official Instagram account to post a video of her and Jeff just before she delivered the baby. She captioned the video with the following words: “It’s going to be a long day. Prayers for a healthy delivery & baby !! So happy i’m getting a chance to try a Vbac & being in the moment. I’m laughing now but these contractions are starting to get intense & it’s just the beginning!” You guys can view that video post on Jordan’s official Instagram account by Clicking Here.
Later on, Jordan hopped back on her official Instagram account to post another photo of her and her new child. She captioned this photo with the words: “I had a great delivery last night!! Everything went so smoothly & baby Layton came into this world while Bob Marley “could you be loved” was playing in the background. Couldn’t have asked for a more chill delivery. Thank you to my doctor & nurses here at the hospital! They are all rockstars. Layton Sarti Schroeder 8 pounds 7oz 20 1/2 inches.” You guys can view that post on Jordan’s Instagram by Clicking Here.
Entertainment Tonight pointed out that while Jeff and Jordan met on season 11 back in 2009, they didn’t officially start dating until 2014. However, I think they may have started dating much earlier than that. Jeff eventually proposed to Jordan in the backyard of Big Brother while they were visiting the set during season 16. At that time, they were also already expecting their first child which is Lawson Schroeder.
So, much congrats to the ever popular Jeff and Jordan for their second love child. How do you guys feel about Jeff and Jordan’s new, second baby arrival? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
In other Big Brother news, most of you know that Kaycee won the coveted HOH crown last night during the LIVE eviction show that sent houseguest Scottie Salton home for the second time this season. We’re still waiting for Kaycee’s eviction nomination ceremony to take place today.
However, according to late night and early morning conversations, we are expecting Kaycee to nominate Sam and Haleigh for eviction this week. Haleigh is the main target which means she will most likely need to win the Power Of Veto to avoid eviction next Thursday night. Haleigh doesn’t seem to have the social prowess to be able to change anyone’s minds.
So, she’s going to have to win out at this point which is like the worst possible position to be in. What’s worse is I think she doesn’t even know it. I think L6 has Haleigh convinced that she might be a pawn again this week. She thinks all her kissing up to the L6 ladies have gotten her in good with them, but it hasn’t. And I can honestly say that I don’t really care at this point. She and the whole rest of her Foutte alliance: Scottie, Faysal, Angie Rockstar, Bailey, Kaitlyn and Swaggy C have just been a huge disappointment this season. Good riddance to all of them.
Another new episode of Big Brother season 20 is scheduled to air this Sunday night, September 9, 2018 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. It’s going to feature Kaycee’s eviction nomination ceremony and the events leading up to it. So, be sure to tune in to check it out. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.