New ‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Spoiler Teasers Revealed For January 25, 2019 Episode

New ‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Spoiler Teasers Revealed For January 25, 2019 Episode

Happy Thursday, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. Today’s January 24, 2019 episode featured some pretty interesting and intense scenes. We saw Steffy, Taylor and Florence’s baby meeting scene continue. Steffy seemed to be buying everything Flo was selling her in regards to why she’s supposedly giving the baby up for adoption. At one point, Steffy even told Flo, “I admire you” when Flo said she’s thinking of the baby first.

Steffy invited Flo to actually come to her place to meet Kelly and Liam at a future date. Flo agreed to do so. So, it looks like the fix is almost complete. You can best believe Reese will try even harder to rush the adoption along since he got threatened again today by his ruthless loan shark. The loan shark made it perfectly clear that if Reese doesn’t get the money soon, his daughter Zoe will certainly pay the price for it!

Before that loan shark encounter, Reese was seen still lying to Zoe at the famous Il Giardino restaurant. She could definitely tell something was up with him, but he obviously wouldn’t let her know what it was because it’s scandalous as hell.

Wyatt and Liam had another conversation. Liam explained how he feels about Steffy adopting a new baby girl. He said it seems right if it turns out to be a good thing for Steffy and Kelly. At one point, Wyatt brought up the question of how Steffy was able to find this new baby so fast. Liam just shrugged it off as being “meant to be.”

In a different scene, Flo was seen reporting back to Reese about how good the Steffy meeting went. She told him,”I think Steffy will want to adopt the baby.” That was, of course, music to scandalous Reese’s ears because that means it’s almost “payday” time. However, we’re still left with the question: “will Hope ever find out her precious baby was stolen?”

Tomorrow’s new week-ending, Friday,January 25, 2019 episode sounds like it will feature some pretty interesting scenes as Steffy makes a very important decision. Zoe enters some talent show and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off today’s teaser session with the Zoe situation. It turns out that she’s going to meet up with Tiffany and Emma to compete in some talent show. CBS’ official description tells us, “Unaware that she’s in physical danger, Zoe auditions for a talent show with Tiffany and Emma.” An alternate description reads like this, “Zoe, Emma, and Tiffany audition for a talent show with Zoe unaware she’s in danger.”

What talent will these girls be looking to display in this talent show? That’s the big question for this particular plotline. Are they teaming up? Or will they be auditioning separately? There’s so many questions that we hope to see get answered in tomorrow’s installment. As for the danger Zoe’s in, that’s definitely not a surprise. We’ve known Zoe’s been in danger for a while now. Heck, Reese stole Hope’s baby on the premise of Zoe being in danger.

The second storyline scoop reveals that Steffy will finally make a very huge decision that will change her freaking life for years! CBS’ description tells us, “Steffy makes a decision that will affect her life for years to come.” An alternate description reads like this, “Steffy makes a life-changing decision.”

We’re pretty sure that this life-changing decision will no doubt be that Steffy wants to adopt this new, stolen baby! Poor Hope. She will probably be staring her baby right in the eye for months or possibly years to come and not even know it. We hope they don’t wait years and years for Hope to find out, but it’s a real possibility they could drag it out that long. And that would just be terrible for Hope.

Liam is supposed to meet the new baby next. It’s just such a crazy thought that he too will be staring his own baby in the eye and not even know it. This is truly a very mean scandal. It certainly tops crooked Dollar Bill Spencer’s schemes. Hopefully, we’ll get some more insight into how this plotline will continue to play out when CBS releases some more future teasers tomorrow.

Alright guys. That’s all the spoiler scoops we were able round up for tomorrow’s new January 25, 2019 episode. But as always, be sure to expect to see a ton of extra scenes get shown that were not mentioned in today’s teaser session.

The “Bold And The Beautiful” airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS. Be sure to follow us on our “Bold And The Beautiful” Facebook page for more Bold And The Beautiful news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.

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