New Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 Eviction Nominees Revealed For February 6, 2019

Happy Wednesday, fellow Big Brother fans. A lot has gone down in the past couple of days inside the Celebrity Big Brother season 2 house including a new eviction nomination ceremony. Before we get into all of that, let’s do a brief recap of what has taken place during this current 5th round.
This past Monday night, February 4, 2019, poor Kato Kaelin got the boot while his partner in crime Tom Green stuck around. Tom was definitely the main target, but he managed to thwart that attempt by claiming the new Head Of Household competition later on that night and into the morning hours.
Yesterday, February 5, 2019 before the nomination ceremony took place, the remaining houseguests were seen making their best pitches to Tom as to why they shouldn’t go up on the chopping block. Heck, super tough Lolo even cried at one point when she was questioning Tom about why she should have to go up on the chopping block. Apparently, Tom told her that he wanted to use her as a pawn or something, and she was not feeling it. Tom just told her she would have to trust him that she is not his target.
After that, Kandi came in and dropped some truth bombs on him. Apparently,Tom was telling Kandi about a supposed deal he made with Natalie Eva Marie to not nominate her, thinking it would keep her from going after him. Kandi basically told Tom that he needs to straight up nominate Eva Marie because she’s probably lying to him and would probably come after him whether he nominated her or not.
Tom really seem to go for Kandi’s advice because Kandi made some every good points about how Eva Marie and Lolo have already gone back on their word multiple times. Kandi said they are just not trustworthy in this game and have proven it. That really seem to sink in for Tom. Kandi said it’s just silly to keep playing that back and forth game with them and just go after them because they are coming for him no matter what anyways. So, Kandi definitely did her thing. I enjoyed the hell out of it too.
That brings us to the nomination ceremony. According to the folks over at Big Brother Network and the live feeds, Tom ended up nominating Ricky and Eva Marie for eviction. So, Kandi definitely did get through to Tom was certain he was going throw Lolo up on the block as a pawn. Then after talking with Kandi, everything changed.
How do you guys feel about Eva Marie and Ricky being nominated for eviction in this round 5? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
Some pretty interesting conversations took place on the live feeds after the nomination ceremony. Tamar got mad again even though she wasn’t the one who was nominated. Tamar told Eva Marie and Lolo that she would throw Tom and Kandi on the block if she wins Head Of Household again.
Eva Marie said she’s not really worried about getting nominated because Ricky told her he’s getting evicted. However, a few minutes later, Eva Marie did start to worry because she realized they will need to flip someone to get the three votes she needs to stay.
Lolo expressed worry about Eva Marie trying to win veto because Lolo would go up in Eva Marie’s place if she won it. Eva Marie assured Lolo she would get Dina to vote with them to keep Lolo.
At around 5:55 pm pacific time, Lolo and company went to work on Dina to secure her vote this round. They promised her at least a top 5 finish if she sided with them. Dina told them she always wanted to roll with them, but they never talked to her before. Natalie told Dina, “You never talked to us.”
Elsewhere, Tom was seen talking a big game with Kandi, telling her he thinks he can win every competition if he wants to. He said, “I could have won more comps, but I wasn’t even trying.” Tom and Kandi also talked about Dina. They apparently think she is playing dumb a lot of the time and actually knows a lot more than she’s letting on.
Tom also told Kandi they need to make sure they get Tamar and Dina on their side. At around 9:10 pm, Eva Marie and Lolo were seen getting Tamar all stirred up about Kandi talking with Tom a lot. Tamar said, “I can’t believe Kandi is pulling with Tom. That means I was right about Kandi and that she actually is a bad person.” Eva Marie said, “We should have gotten rid of Kandi way earlier.”
Eva Marie, Lolo and Tamar revealed that they’re really pushing for Dina to vote with them so they don’t have to use the veto if one of them wins it. If one of them uses it, they know Tom will put one of them up as a replacement nominee.
At around 12:30 am today,February 6,2019, Tom was seen telling Dina, “I want Ricky out this week because he stresses me out.” Dina said, “Natalie bothers me.” Tom said, “We can get Natalie out next week.”
So, it appears that Dina is doing a very convincing job of playing both sides of the house right now. There’s no doubt she’ll just float to whoever is in power. That was it for all the important game talk yesterday and into today’s early morning hours. As always, you guys can view the Celebrity Big Brother season 2 live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
The Power Of Veto competition is up next. We think it’s high possibility it will get played sometime today. If it does, we’ll certainly let you guys know the results of it.
Alright guys. That’s it for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more. Another new episode of Celebrity Big Brother is expected to air tomorrow night, February 7, 2019 at approximately 8 pm central standard time on CBS. Be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.