New Celebrity Big Brother Season 2 Eviction Nominees Revealed For February 10, 2019

Happy Sunday, fellow Big Brother fans. Yes, another day has passed in the Celebrity Big Brother season 2 house, and that means another event took place. It was the nomination ceremony. It left two unlucky houseguests sitting on the eviction chopping block for this round 6.
Before we get into the results of the nomination ceremony, let’s briefly recap round 6 so far. This past Friday night, February 8, 2019, poor Tom Green and Natalie Eva Marie got their eviction notices from the Celebrity Big Brother season 2 house during a swift, LIVE Double Eviction episode.
A few hours after the LIVE eviction show, the remaining houseguests competed for the next Head Of Household. After everything was all said and done, it was the former NFL football player Ricky Williams that emerged as the winner! At that time, it was not a big mystery to us who Ricky would be nominating, especially after he confirmed it on the live feeds. But still, we had to be cautious and say we were only 99.9 percent sure that Dina and Kandi were going up for eviction.
That leads us to the nomination ceremony. It took place yesterday, February 9, 2019. After it was complete, it turned out that our 99.9 percent prediction was correct. Poor Dina and Kandi were the unlucky nominees that are up for eviction for this current round 6. Kandi is believed to be the main target over Dina.
However, there’s still a Power Of Veto competition to be played. So, we’ll have to wait and see how that pans out. How do you guys feel about Dina and Kandi being nominated for eviction in round 6? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
Some interesting conversations also took place on the live feeds yesterday. At around 11:50 am pacific time, Tamar was seen expressing concern about her or Lolo having to be a replacement nominee if Kandi or Dina win the veto. So, Tamar definitely let it be known that she doesn’t even want to touch the block even if she has the votes to stay.
Lolo also expressed concern about possibly sitting next to Kandi if she has to be a replacement nominee. Tamar told Lolo, “I wouldn’t keep Kandi ,and I owe her nothing. I don’t need to be friends with Kandi outside the house.”
Lolo revealed that she thinks Kandi would win if she got to the final 2. So, she’s worried about keeping Kandi over Dina. Tamar said Kandi wouldn’t win in the end because no one likes her. Wow, Tamar continues to impress me with her delusions. It’s like she’s in a whole other world than the rest of us like literally all the time.
Lolo also expressed concern to Ricky that Kandi would take Tamar to the final 2. Ricky disagreed saying, “Kandi wanted Natalie gone so you would take her to the final 2 instead of Natalie. I’m sure Kandi would take you over Tamar to the end out of concerns that Tamar could embarrass her with a defeat.”
At around 3:10 pm, Ricky asked Tamar what she would do with the veto. Tamar told Ricky that she would keep his nominations the same. At around 3:15 pm, Ricky promised Tamar that he would take her to the final 2 if he wins the final 4 Head Of Household competition. Then Tamar suggested that it may be time to get rid of Lolo, and Ricky agreed. He said, “If Lolo lays back and lets Kandi or Dina win the Veto, I’ll be okay with putting Lolo up.”
At around 6:25 pm, Tamar and Ricky were seen complaining about Dina. Apparently, they don’t feel like she deserves to be there. So, that was pretty harsh of them.
At around 10:05 pm, Lolo was seen mentioning to Tamar,”Ricky wants us to battle it out, and the winner should take him to the final 2.” Lolo also asked Tamar if she was planning on taking Kandi to the final 2.
Tamar said, “No, because Kandi already has enough money.” And that was pretty much it for the interesting game talk chatter last night in the Celebrity Big Brother season 2 house. As always, you guys can view the Celebrity Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
So again, the Power Of Veto competition is the next, big event. We expect it to possibly take place today. However, it’s possible that production might save it to be played out on tomorrow night’s episode if it’s a LIVE eviction episode. We’re not even sure that it is though. We think it’s highly likely to be a live eviction episode since the season finale is this Wednesday night, February 13, 2019.
Anyways, if the Power Of Veto competition gets played before tomorrow night, we will definitely let you guys know the results of it.
Alright, that’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more. Another new Celebrity Big Brother season 2 episode is scheduled to air tomorrow night, February 11, 2019 at approximately 8 pm central standard time on CBS. It may or may not be a live eviction show. We’re not sure yet, but be prepared. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite TV Show and Movie stuff by Clicking Here.