‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Florence Will Reveal A Major, Life Changing Secret This Week

Happy Saturday, “Bold And The Beautiful” fans. We hope you guys are enjoying your weekend so far. We’ve got some big, big news for you guys in this article. It sounds like we’re about to see some major events take place this week in regards to Florence aka Flo’s character.
Now, most of you know that Flo’s mother Shauna has arrived in Los Angeles, and it appears that she will have ties to crooked Dollar Bill Spencer. That in turn might reveal that Flo is Bill’s daughter. We’re not so sure that’s how this will play out.
However, aside from that, we think there could be something else even more serious brewing with Flo. We took a look at some of the new spoiler teasers that CBS released for this week. One of them definitely stood out. It reveals that Flo is going to reveal a secret that’s so serious that it will not change just the lives of one family, but multiple “Bold And The Beautiful” families!
That’s right, guys. The families I’m talking about are the Logans, Spencers and Forresters. So what could this big secret be? That is exactly what we’re trying to figure out. I mean if this teaser had come out maybe two weeks ago, I would’ve thought surely it’s going to be the Hope stolen baby Beth scheme. However, now that all this intel about Flo’s mother being involved with Bill Spencer has come out, and Flo trying to find her birth father. We’re not so sure which secret Flo will unleash.
One thing that’s for sure is it’s got us highly intrigued. CBS’ official description tells us, “Flo’s secret comes out, forever changing the Spencer, Logan and Forrester families.” An alternate description reads like this, “The Spencer, Logan and Forrester families are forever changed when Flo’s secret is revealed.”
CBS released another teaser that reveals Flo will actually attempt to tell Hope about her stolen baby! However, Hope will interrupt her before she can get the words out. CBS’ description tells us, “Hope interrupts Flo as she tries to tell her the truth about Beth.” An alternate description reads like this, “Hope interrupts with her own scenario when Flo attempts to tell her the truth about Beth.”
CBS also released a new preview clip that gives us a glimpse at a few scenes that will take place in the upcoming April 8 to 12, 2019 episodes. One of the scenes shows a little bit of Flo and Hope’s big scene. Flo is seen saying,”I need to tell you the truth.” Right after that, the clip cuts to Hope saying,”So, this is your big secret?”
We can’t imagine that this particular scene is where Flo tells Hope about her stolen baby because Hope is all smiles in this scene. We also see Quinn smiling in the background. I would imagine they would all be very upset if Flo told them about the stolen baby. Since the producers slice and dice these clips, there could be another instance where Flo reveals more or not. We’ll just have to wait and see.
The preview clip also shows some other interesting scenes. Bill is seen confronting Shauna. He tells her, “You’re not going anywhere. I’m not going to be trapped into some kind of a shakedown.” After that, the clip cuts to Quinn saying of the Shauna situation, “We need a DNA test.”
Next, Shauna is seen saying,”We have to tell her.” The clip caps off with Wyatt asking Bill, “Do you know what this means?” Bill says, “Oh, my God.” You guys can view that new preview clip on our Bold And The Beautiful Twitter account by Clicking Here. While you’re there,be sure to follow that page for more exclusive “Bold And The Beautiful” updates.
This preview clip is definitely chopped up and edited to no ends to keep us guessing. So, what we can tell you, without a doubt, is that Flo will definitely reveal something huge, and that she will at least make an attempt to tell Hope about her stolen baby. Whether, she actually gets the words out, is a whole other story. We’re just going to have to wait around until the episode airs to find that out. All of these events will play out before this week is over. So, we won’t have to wait for too much longer.
What do you guys think Flo’s big secret will be? Will she actually tell Hope about her stolen baby at some point? Or will her big secret be something else entirely different? Let us know in the comments.
Alright guys. That’s going to wrap it up for this latest “Bold And The Beautiful” report, but definitely stay tune for more.
The “Bold And The Beautiful” airs every Monday through Friday at 12:30 pm central standard time on CBS.
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