‘American Ninja Warrior’ June 5, 2019 Atlantic City Qualifiers Revealed (Episode 2 Recap)

‘American Ninja Warrior’ June 5, 2019 Atlantic City Qualifiers Revealed (Episode 2 Recap)

Hey, “American Ninja Warrior” fans. Tonight, June 5, 2019, the second episode of this current season 11 did indeed air. It was the Atlantic City Qualifiers round.

It was revealed that the Power Tower was back, and it gave the contestants a chance to get their hands on a Speed Ticket. The Speed Ticket is apparently quite valuable as it guarantees the lucky contestant holding it a spot in the National Finals!

There was a difficult obstacle course that was presented in tonight’s show. It also featured a new obstacle called, “The Ferris Wheel.” The entire course was set up like this, “Shrinking Steps, Off the Hook, Block run, Bouncing Spider, Ferris Wheel, Warped Wall/Mega Wall and Power Tower for the Speed Pass.

The first contestant that was up to bat tonight was Mindy Hylton. She’s a rookie and goes by the nickname “BAM.” It apparently stands for “Bad Ass Mother”. During her run, she amazed the crowd with how far she was able to make it for her first time!

Unfortunately, she met her demise during the “Bouncing Spider.” In the “Bouncing Spider” obstacle, Mindy needed to fall right on the white dot, but she ended up falling just a little bit in front it.

Next up, was Glenn Davis. He’s a retired gymnast who actually owns his own ninja gym! It was revealed that he also trained most of the contestants there. So, he was expected to do really well. He started off good and was maintaining a great speed. Unfortunately for him, the new Ferris Wheel obstacle would be his demise. It dropped as the ninjas were climbing, and Glenn just couldn’t hold on.

The next ninja contestant Kavon Sadler fell on the first obstacle, which was the Shrinking Steps. After Kavon, contestant Grace Sims competed. She ended up falling during the “Bouncing Spider” obstacle.

After that, a veteran contestant Caleb Watson ended up falling on the “Bouncing Spider” as well. Brother and sister Caitlyn and Caleb Bergstrom competed tonight. Caitlyn is a 19 year old Rookie. She ended up falling on the “Boucing Spider” too!

However, her brother Caleb was able to finish the whole thing and complete the Mega Wall! He won $5,000 dollars for doing it. He was also the first one to finish it tonight.

Next, a contestant named Chris Fail ended up falling during the “Off The Hook” obstacle. Contestant Tyrone pull was up next. He’s a former New England Patriots player. He ended up making to the Ferris Wheel obstacle before meeting his demise.

A professional poker player named Tony Miles was up next. He actually decided to bet $125,000 that he could complete the obstacle course. So, it was very unfortunate for him when he went down during the “Block Run.”

Andrey Collins arrived next. He’s from Mississippi. During his run, he fell off during the “Bouncing Spider” obstacle.

Contestant Michael Johnson went on to make it to the Block Run obstacle before falling off. Next, was R.J. Roman. Apparently, he made it to the National Finals last season when he was just a rookie. He ended up not only finishing the entire course, but he set a record for the fastest time of the night at that point.

Eddy Stewart was able to make it really far, but he couldn’t handle the 6th obstacle which was the Warped Wall. Contestant Emily Durham tried it next, and she got knocked off during the “Bouncing Spider.”

A walk-on competitor named Nick Yokum was up next, and he fell off during the Bouncing Spider as well.

Alyssa Varsalona ended up making it all the way to the Ferris Wheel obstacle before meeting her losing fate. Roo Yori was another special contestant that was able to complete the course and hit the buzzer.

TJ McCallum got knocked off during the Shrinking Steps obstacle. Ryan Stratis also finished the entire course and beat the Mega Wall. He’s actually the first one in history to beat it twice. He beat it previously in Miami.

Contestant Travis Rosen also completed the entire course after breaking his ankle at the National Finals last year.

Charity Williams ended up falling off during the Block Run obstacle. Neil Craver fell just short by not being able to clear the Mega Wall and reach the buzzer.

Josiah Singleton was another contestant that was able to finish the entire course. DeShawn Harris was up next. He is a Math and P.E. teacher. He lost during the Block Run.

Tim Saguinsin ended up taking an elimination hit during the “Off The Hook” obstacle. Bootie Cothran made it to the Bouncing Spider before getting knocked off.

Devin Harrelson was able to make it all the way to the Ferris Wheel before getting knocked off. That was quite a comeback for him since he fractured his skull last year.

Chad Hohn actually cut his head during the Bouncing Spider, but he still completed the entire course with blood running down his freaking face!

Jessica Clayton return for her third season, and she managed to reach the Warped Wall before getting taken out. She was the first female to make it that far.

Elie Cohen was only able to make it to the “Bouncing Spider” obstacle before meeting her demise. Morgan “Moose” Wright was a returning competitor, and he made it to the Ferris Wheel.

Kevin Carbone ended up making it through the Mega Wall, and he won $10,000 dollars. Tyler Gillett was able to complete the entire course in just over a minute. He didn’t do the Mega Wall.

Ashley Harel bit the dust at the Bouncing Spider obstacle. Ben Wilson ended up making it to the Ferris Wheel. The last contestant of the night was Drew Drechsel. He easily breezed through the entire course and finished the Mega Wall on his first try. He also ended up with the second fastest time of the night by finishing in a 1:08 seconds!

Lastly, Tyler Gillett and Drew Drechsel faced off in the Power Tower since they had the fastest times. During their battle, Tyler unfortunately fell off. He could have tried to start all over, but Drew was long gone by that time. So, Drew pulled off the Power Tower victory, and is through to the National Finals!

How do you guys feel about Drew Drechsel winning the Alantic City Qualifiers and making it to the National Finals? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments.

You guys can view footage from tonight’s “American Ninja Warrior” episode 2 on the show’s official Youtube channel by Clicking Here.

The Oklahoma City Qualifiers are confirmed to air next Wednesday night, June 12, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on NBC.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “American Ninja Warrior” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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Derek Smith
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