‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Spoilers For Season 5, June 30, 2019 Episode 5 Revealed

Hey, “Fear The Walking Dead” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed tonight’s episode 4. Now that it’s officially a wrap, it’s time to take a look at what will be taking place in next week’s new episode 5.
AMC did provide a brief teaser description for episode 5. So, that’s what we’ll be using for this spoiler session.
To get things started, we’ll go ahead and take a look at the title for episode 5. It is officially named,”The End Of Everything.” So, that definitely sounds pretty intense already. It sounds like episode 5 will mainly focus on this Althea character since that’s the only person they mentioned in this week’s description.
It’s definitely possible that other characters will be featured. I’m just saying don’t be surprised if most of episode 5 is focused on Althea.
With that said, it sounds like episode 5 will also feature some very interesting, action-filled and super dramatic scenes as Althea is going to be totally determined to chase down a story that she’s working on.
However, in doing so, she will end up putting the whole mission as well as her freaking life in major jeopardy! If that doesn’t sound like some super intense stuff, I don’t know what the hell does.
AMC’s official description tells us, “Althea chases a story with dogged determination, putting the mission and her life in danger.”
Will Althea get the information she’s looking for to complete her story? Or will she fail miserably and mess up the whole mission and everything? Will she make it out of this alive? Those are the very important questions for this particular storyline.
I have a feeling that all of those questions could very well be answered in just this one episode, because again, it seems like they’re going to focus all of their attention on Althea in this one.
We should get a more clearer picture when AMC releases their expected preview clip tonight. That’s right, guys. Be sure to check Youtube later tonight after episode 4 airs. We expect AMC to serve up their usual preview clip for the next episode 5.
It should give you guys more details and also a visual idea of what’s going to take place in episode 5. So, be on the lookout for that new episode 5 preview clip later on tonight on Youtube.
AMC confirmed that episode 5 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, June 30, 2019 at approximately 8 pm central standard time. For those of you who are interested in knowing the exact duration of episode 5, AMC also revealed that it will last approximately 43 minutes. That’s if you don’t include commercials.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Fear The Walking Dead” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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