‘Days Of Our Lives’ Is Getting Rid Of The Crazy Claire Brady Character In July 2019

Hey, “Days Of Our Lives” fans. We’ve got some pretty sad news or great news depending on how you feel about this character. If you’re a fan of the Claire Brady character, you will definitely be sad to learn that she is really getting written off the show this month, July 2019.
According to Soaps.com , the last air date for Claire will be the Tuesday, July 9, 2019 episode.
Claire’s portrayer Olivia Rose Keegan was reportedly let go from the show back in December 2018, and that’s the same month she filmed her last episodes. So, Days Of Our Lives definitely has major lead time from when they film their episodes to when they actually air.
Olivia started playing the Claire Brady role way back in 2015. We certainly wish her the best in her future endeavors.
We’re going to go over some possible reasons why she was let go because she certainly isn’t the only one. We’re also hearing that the show also let go actress Nadia Bjorlin who plays character Chloe Lane.
According to a recent article over on Soapdirt.com, this caused questions to be raised about possible budget cuts.
NBC did recently renew Days Of Our Lives for a brand new season 55. However, Soapdirt.com says these renewals can often come with much leaner budgets. So, it’s speculated that Days Of Our Lives had to fire a few people to fall in line with the leaner budget.
It’s unfortunate because I liked watching Claire. As crazy as she was, she is cute and entertaining.
Currently, it is not yet clear how Claire Brady will exit in the July 9,2019 episode. The official teaser description for that episode just states that Claire will exit Days. It reads like this, “Marlena and Ciara blast Eve for using Claire when Olivia Rose Keegan exits Days.”
So, it is certainly up in the air as to how Claire will actually leave. Will they send her off to prison? Will they send her to a mental facility? What? It’s 50/50 at this point.
We don’t think they’re going to kill Claire off because it seems that Marlena will get through to her and stop her madness. Plus, for some reason, I just have this feeling that “Days Of Our Lives” will want to bring Claire back in the future.
I have to admit that would make for some interesting plotlines if Claire returned about 6 months to a year later after having her psychotic break. Look what they did with Ben’s character.
He was killing people left and right. Now, they’ve woven him back into the mix as a decent guy. I could certainly see the producers doing something similar with Claire.
We’ll just have to wait and see. For now, it’s unfortunately goodbye for Claire and her portrayer Olivia Rose Keegan. According to her official IMDB page, Olivia doesn’t appear to have any new projects lined up. We hope she does find some other work. She seems very talented.
How do you guys feel about Days Of Our Lives getting rid of Claire Brady? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Days Of our Lives” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
“Days Of Our Lives” airs every Monday through Friday at approximately 12 pm central standard time on NBC. Stay tuned.
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