‘Bull’ Season 4, November 11, 2019 Episode 8 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey,”Bull” fans. Unfortunately, we have some very bad news for you guys in this article. For some reason, CBS will not be airing the new episode 8 of this current season 4 tonight, November 11, 2019.
The good news is that this delay will only be for this week. You guys can expect to see the new episode 8 air next Monday night, November 18, 2019 at approximately 9 pm central standard time on CBS of course. So, definitely be sure to mark down that very important date on your TV show calendars.
So, what is CBS airing tonight instead of “Bull?” That is a very good question, and we do have an answer for it. According to the TV guide listings, CBS is actually airing an episode of “Bull.” It just won’t be a new episode. They’re airing a dreaded rerun or repeat episode.
The repeat episode they are airing is the 16th episode of last season 3. This episode is titled, “Forfeiture.”
CBS’ official description for it reads like this,”The TAC team works tandem cases when Chunk represents his first legal client, Darius Lambert, a young man facing federal counterfeiting charges, and Bull represents Darius’ grandfather, Willie Lambert, who may lose his business to the FBI for owning the barbershop where the fake goods were sold.”
If any of you guys happened to have missed that episode when it originally aired, you might still want to tune in to CBS tonight to get all caught up on it. If you did see it and have no interest in watching it again, you will definitely want to find something else to watch or do tonight.
Now, we do have a bit of good news. CBS did release a new press release for the next, new episode 8. Before we get into it, we must warn you that it does contain spoiler teasers. If you don’t like spoilers, it’s highly recommended that you exit this article right now.
If you don’t care about spoiler teasers,by all means please keep reading this article. Now that we’ve gotten our spoiler warning out of the way, let’s talk about this episode 8 press release. First of all, it reveals that episode 8 is officially named,”Safe and Sound.”
It sounds like episode 8 will feature some very intense, serious and possible dramatic scenes. In the new episode 8, a guest character named Eric Crawford will be in desperate need of defense after his youngest child kills his oldest child with a friggin handgun!
Eric also happens to be one of Bull’s old college friends. So, Bull is going to take it upon himself to mount up a big defense case for Eric to keep him from getting thrown into the slammer forever.
CBS’ official description for episode 8 reads like this, “Bull mounts the defense of an old college friend, Eric Crawford (Sebatian Arcelus), who is charged with negligent homicide after Eric’s youngest child kills his eldest with Eric’s handgun.”
Will Bull’s defense case be enough to help out his old friend? That’s the very important question we expect to see get answered in this episode.
Episode 8 will feature a lot of guest stars.They are: Mercedes Ruehl as character (Judge Hudson), Sebastian Arcelus as character (Eric Crawford), Jack Gore as character (Charlie Crawford), Alexie Gilmore as character (Lena Crawford), Ellen Adair as character (ADA Glover), Robyn Rosario as character (Deb Erwin).
Guest stars continued: Katt Masterson as character (Laura Coleman), CJ Adams as character (Theo Crawford), Lawrence Winslow as character (Detective Lacy), Isabelle Phillips as character (Juror #7), Bob Juergens as character (Juror #12), Sheillagh Weymouth as character (Juror #17), K.C. Arora as character (Juror #22) and Robin S. Walker as character (Juror #33).
Episode 8 will feature one recurring star. That one person is: Tara Martinez as character (Isabella Colón).
The season regulars that will be featured in episode 8 are: Michael Weatherly as character (Dr. Jason Bull), Freddy Rodriguez as character (Benny Colón), Geneva Carr as character (Marissa Morgan), Jamie Lee Kirchner as character (Danny James), Christopher Jackson as character (Chunk Palmer) and MacKenzie Meehan as character (Taylor Rentzel).
Episode 8 was written by Pamela Wechsler, and it was directed by Glenn Gordon Caron. Again, CBS’ press release confirmed that episode 8 is indeed scheduled to air next Monday night, November 18, 2019 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Bull” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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