‘The Bachelor’ January 6, 2020 Eliminated 8 Women, Hannah Brown Returned (Recap)

Hey,”Bachelor Nation ” fans. Tonight,January 6, 2020, the very long, three-hour premiere of “The Bachelor” season 24 aka The Bachelor 2020 did indeed air with current headliner and pilot Peter Weber, and it featured a mass elimination of women and some pretty shocking scenes.
It all started with Peter’s opening intro video package. Like every other season, they went over Peter’s backstory from when he got ousted from The Bachelorette 2019 during the final 3. After that, they showed a few video packages from some of the ladies that will be competing for Peter’s love.
Next, they showed the traditional limo introductions. A few of the ladies brought along certain props to stand out from the rest during this segment. Maurissa made Peter pinky promise and dance.
Flight attendant Eunice showed up wearing a pair of angel wings. Another flight attendant Megan brought a speaker and started talking like she was on flight. It was cute. Madison brought a big paper airplane.
Tammy brought a metal detector. Shiann brought a barf bag. Courtney rode a toy airplane. Kiarra arrived in a suitcase, and Peter had to get her out of it. Lexi showed up in a red, classic sports car. Deandra wore a windmill on her back saying, “Are you ready for round five?”
Kylie brought some condoms. Jenna showed up with an actual cow. She said it was an emotional support cow named Ashley P. Savannah made Peter wear a blindfold, and she said, “Focus on the way things feel.” Then she kissed him.
Peter recognized the attorney Kelley from their previous meeting at one of Kelley’s best friend’s weddings.
After all the limo intros, former Bachelorette 2019 headliner Hannah Brown showed up. She really made all the other girls panic, thinking she was returning to compete for Peter.
Mykenna definitely said she was upset saying, “Hannah and Peter already have chemistry from their season.” However, it turned out that Hannah was just there to give Peter his flight wings pendant back. Peter had given them to Hannah during her season. Hannah told Peter, “I want you to find that special person.”
Next, Peter told the other ladies that Hannah was just there to give him his wings pendant. So, they were relieved for now. I put emphasis on “for now” because that would not be the last we saw of Hannah Brown.
Anyways, Peter said some other kind things about the ladies, and he gave a toast before starting in on the cocktail party mingling and individual conversations.
Maurissa and Peter seem to hit it off. They created a special handshake and everything. Peter and Hannah Ann had a really good time. It was so good that they made out while the other girls watched from a far. Tammy handcuffed Peter and kissed him at one point.
Natasha and Mykenna ran into issues. Mykenna totally interrupted Natasha and Peter’s conversation. Natasha definitely let her know about it saying, “No you can’t have Peter right now.”
Mykenna kept interrupting until she finally stole Peter away from Natasha. Then Natasha started interrupting Mykenna and Peter saying, “Payback’s a B#@tch.” Mykenna did get to kiss Peter with what little time she had.
Hannah Ann made bold moves by returning to talk 1 on 1 with Peter multiple times. This pissed off a lot of the other girls. At one point, Shiann pulled Hannah Ann to the side to confront her about her continued hogging of Peter’s time.
Hannah Ann totally agreed with Shiann, and told Shiann to go take her turn with Peter. Shiann seemed confused that Hannah was so agreeing, and she acted like she didn’t really believe Hannah Ann was being sincere.
Victoria F started crying at one point because she couldn’t get the 1 on 1 time she thought she needed with Peter. We saw footage of Peter really expressing to Kelley that he’s glad she came on the show.
Next, Peter pulled Hannah Ann to the side to give her the first impression rose, and they kissed again. Peter told Hannah Ann he really appreciated how she put her self out there, or something like that.
From there, we saw the rose ceremony footage. Victoria P, Madison, Kelley, Lexi, Savannah, Lauren, Tammy, Alayah, Jasmine, Sydney, Natasha, Mykenna,Deandra, Sarah, Alexa, Kelsey, Payton, Kiarra, Courtney, Shiann and Victoria F. all received roses to join Hannah Ann who got the first impression rose.
Unfortunately, poor Jade, Maurissa, Katrina, Avonlea, Eunice, Jenna, Kylie and Megan did not receive a rose. So, they had to say their goodbyes.
Normally, the premiere episode would stop on this note, but not this season. ABC decided to keep the party going with another hour. That meant we got to see the first group date.
That’s right, guys. Peter took Hannah Ann, Kelley, Deandra, Tammy, Courtney, Shiann, Victoria P, Jasmine and Victoria F to a flight school session for their group date.
This flight school featured the girls taking a math test. Then they had to ride a gyroscope. Victoria P was really nervous to go on the gyroscope apparatus because she gets motion sickness real easy, but she did it anyways. Afterwards, Peter comforted her when she had to go throw up, and she really appreciated it.
The girls also had to complete and obstacle course. The winner won a private flight with Peter to watch the sunset in Los Angeles. Kelley pulled out the victory. However, Shiann was really upset, claiming Kelley cheated!
Later on ,Tammy and some of the rest of the girls were seen confronting Kelley about her cheating during the obstacle course. Kelley said she didn’t think it was a big deal.
Next, we saw Peter talking 1 on 1 with Victoria P. Victoria P thanked Peter again for comforting her. She said, “No one’s ever done that for me before.” Peter then gave her some flowers, and they kissed.
Next, it was revealed that Madison was selected to go on Peter’s first 1 on 1 date of this season.
Then we saw Kelley interrupt Shiann’s 1 on 1 conversation with Peter. Shiann was very ticked off about it. The other women agreed with Shiann. Peter didn’t have a problem with it though. He started kissing Kelley again, and he eventually gave Kelley the group date rose.
Next, we saw Peter take Madison to some big family gathering of his. Apparently, Peter’s parents were renewing their vows. Madison expressed that she really appreciated Peter inviting her to be a part of such a special event.
During the second half of their 1 on 1 date, Madison and Peter had a nice talk. Madison was very intelligent telling Peter, “If you’re looking for a wife, of course I would want you to pick me, but I also want you to be with the one who’s the best fit for you.”
Then Peter gave Madison an early 1 on 1 date rose, and he took her to a private concert that featured singer Tenille Arts.
Next, it was revealed that Lauren, Sydney, Payton, Natasha, Alexi, Lexi, Mykenna and Alayah were picked to go on the second group date of this season.
During their group date, Hannah Brown showed up again. She told them all about she and Peter’s sexy windmill story. Afterwards, she told the girls they had to share a personal story about sex in front of a LIVE audience.
After that, a major twist took place in this episode. Hannah Brown actually started crying in one of the back rooms. Peter went to talk to her. Peter told Hannah, “You’ll always mean a lot to me, and you didn’t have to bring my wings pendant back. I don’t blame you for what you did on your season. You followed your heart.”
Hannah said, “I don’t know what I was doing. I really f@#cked up. I question what I should have done. I question a lot. I question sending you home all the time. I broke everybody’s heart and my own through this experience.”
At one point,Peter asked Hannah if she wanted to join the house and compete for him. Hannah said, “I don’t know, maybe. What do you want?”
At this point, they both just started talking about how confused they are. Peter said he feels like such a jerk to the other women for not being totally over Hannah at this point.
Then on that note, ABC flashed the “To Be Continued” message across the screen. So, we’re going to have to wait until next week to see what Hannah Brown and Peter end up doing.
We should get some spoilers for episode 2 in the next couple of days. Episode 2 is indeed scheduled to air next Monday night, January 13,2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on ABC.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Bachelor” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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